Chapter Eleven

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Jake was smoking, tilting his head. Forcefully blowing smoke out of his nostrils as he leaned on a tree several yards away from school. The tree provided the right amount of shade to keep him out of sight, with a perfect view to the school's entrance. 

He was deep in thought as he stood, waiting for the moment Dan appears. He needed to see him. He needed to see him, now. Maybe he could just get a glimpse of him, and that ache would subside. That ache that kept him awake at night, so strong it was difficult to breathe, leaving him hard and desperate. He would turn, restless, trying to sleep, to forget. He'd work out, to be too exhausted to think. But the thought of Dan wouldn't stop stabbing him, keeping him up. Like a sharp knife that pierced through him, twisting. And so he'd lay awake, thinking about it, until eventually he'd end up touching himself, in all the wrong right places.

He knew he could only end this one way. Hated himself as he learnt to get rid of the need, but never the feeling. And then more images would come up, Dan on his knees. His body remembered it, knew all of it, the kinds of sounds he made, didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to remember, but couldn’t help it.

He moved to the other side to search for Dan's car, just to check if Dan actually came and that he wasn't wasting his time. Although he had plenty of time to waste. There was couple of student lurking behind the tree on the other side. He didn't want to be seen, not with the darkening bruise on his face, so he ducked under the bushes that surrounded the parking lot.  Looking intense and impatient, he stayed put, waiting. 

Jake grew even more impatient as time passed him by. He looked pathetic, and his back was hurting. He considered the possibility of Dan skipping school. It was unlikely of him to do so. Dan was one of those people who wished they had school on Sundays. It was very weird. He can still remember the day Dan had a cold, and came to class with a red runny nose and box of tissue in his hand. The guy was sneezing in between every word.  

Several minutes passed as Jake still remained in his position. He had enough. He threw his cigarette on the ground as he stood up, about to leave, angry and annoyed, when he heard the sound of a door being shut. His head snapped to the entrance. Dan was walking out of the school's main door. 

Jake just managed to be out of Dan's sight. He sneaked back to his original position under that tree.  He saw Dan heading to the parking lot, but before Jake could do anything, Dan disappeared back inside the school. 


"Dan, would you be kind enough to carry these files to my office?" 

It was 3:55, the school bus would leave in five minutes and Mrs.Orford expected him to help her carry three enormous files to her office- under five minutes. 

"Please." She insisted when she saw Dan's hesitation. 

Dan didn't have time to think, it was either that or a C in biology. "Yeah, sure." Dan dropped his bag, carried the heavy files at once, and hurried out of the class.

"it's the one next to the toilets!" Mrs.Orford shouted from behind. 

Dan raced with time; he couldn't miss the school bus. He'd be damned if his muscles faltered.  He quickened his pace, covering a large distance in a short time. He reached the girl's toilet in record time, searching for her office. 

To his luck, there was no office with Mrs.Orford's name on it. Dan cursed. He should have asked her which toilet! He tried to remember where the office was as the files grew heavier with each second. He glanced at the stairs, were there even toilets upstairs? Why doesn't he know this? There are only four toilets in this school, right?

Never did his school seem so fucking huge! 

Dan rushed up the stairs, towards the boys’ toilet, and sure enough, Mrs.Orford's office was right next to it. He kicked the door open, causing some papers to fly and placed the files on the desk. He was panting as he collected the papers. The clock in her office read 3:57. He can do this. 

He shut the door behind him and ran downstairs to grab his bag. He mumbled a goodbye to Mrs.Orford and ran out before she could ask him to do anything else. 3:59, come on! Dan didn't count how many doors he shoved open, until he opened the last one.

"Damn it!" 

Jake heard the curse. He looked up from where he was sitting and saw an angry Dan, who was cursing with his face red like a tomato. He glanced around before standing up, the parking lot was almost empty except for a few cars. Jake smiled.

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