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May 17, 2016

Minsuga: You never told me what happened to you.

Yesjamsjiminee: Finishing up finals

Minsuga: Oh shit

Minsuga: I'm sorry I must have been distracting

Yesjamsjiminee: You weren't because I turned off my phone.

Minsuga: Ahh I see. Have you eaten?

Yesjamsjiminee: No not yet

Minsuga: Go eat now

Yesjamsjiminee: I can't. I will after class

Minsuga: You bitch you're in class rn?

Yesjamsjiminee: It's free period you hoe. Don't fite me

Minsuga: You called me a hoe

Yesjamsjiminee: So? You called me a bitch.

Minsuga: Fuck you

Yesjamsjiminee: Alright pick a time and place

Minsuga: bYE

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