Rant #1: Kuza.

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Okay, my first rant has to do with a certain immature person and Kuza on tumblr.

Alright. If you know anything about me, you know I LOVE Kuza, a lot, and so if someone hates on him, yeah, you're gonna get a reaction out of me. Especially when it's persistent, and it just keeps happening and happening and happening over and over again.

So, if you go on tumblr, you can pretty much find all of her, or their (I don't know and I don't care), hate posts towards Kuza if you search for him. Let me just start by saying, WOW. How fucking childish can you be? You don't like Kuza, we get that, that's all fine and dandy. I could give a shit less, but stop calling him the fuck out! Oh my God, it's obvious you're only trying to get a fucking reaction out of him, and you've only gotten one.

I'm not sure what the entire situation is but you keep dragging it on and you're claiming he is, you fucking hypocrite. "And Kuza honey, because I know you only ignore me when send you a direct message, why not let your obsessed fangirls see what you really have said to us…. Oh wait that may actually make you look bad… so you’re never going to do it. Are you?" Alright. Just shut the fuck up. Honestly. Shut the fuck up. No one, not ONE single fucking fan of Kuza knows what he said to you, and we also don't know what you said to him.

Let me just start by saying, if you're gonna be a bitch to him, he has every fucking right to be a dick to you. You said it yourself that he was sweet and nice when you met him, what did you do to make him mad? He called you a bitch once. One time, the only time you got a reaction out of him as far as any fan knows.

LET IT FUCKING GO! God damn, that happened I don't know how long ago, but you're dragging it out to be some huge fucking thing that it doesn't need to be. Alright, he was a dick to you, I get that, and you don't like him now or he let you down or whatever, I get that to, but get the fuck over. It's in the past. Just let it go.

And one more thing, before I go. You sign all over your hate with Jayy von Monroe blowing a kiss. I don't care about your preference in music, but you slam Kuza, I feel I have the right to slam Blood on the Dance Floor. I don't care that Kuza was a dick to you, you like a pedophile. Yes, I went there. You don't like it? Go un-fucking-follow me. I DON'T CARE.

Kuza called you a 12 year old that didn't know anything about the music industry, and yeah, maybe that was wrong on his part, but his back was against a wall. You can only take so much harassment, because that's what it fucking was, without blowing your top. You did act like a twelve year old, and as far as the music industry part, I don't know and I don't care.

I just fucking hate going on tumblr and looking up 'Mike Kuza' and all your hate bullshit being there. It's fucking ANNOYING. LET IT GO.

God damn.


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