How to Avoid Answering Awkward Questions

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When asked a question you REALLY don't want to answer or admit, what should you do?

- Randomly break into song

- Pretend they said something they didn't and make a big deal about it. Ex. "Here, grab on!" "Wait, what about your grandma?"  or "Can you pick up Ben in thirty?" "What did you say about a boat being dirty?"

- Climb a tree

- Pretend you are losing connection by crinkling paper over the phone and then hanging up.

- Change the subject to bananas, or something else equally distracting.

- Faint

- Pretend you're about to vomit and race out of there as fast as you can

- State a very interesting fact about how the very first food eaten by a U.S astronaut in outer space was applesauce, or about how Disneyland uses over 5,000 gallons of paint every year to maintain the clean appearance of the park.

- Pretend to hear your mom calling you

- Pretend there's gum on your shoe and limp off to take care of it

- Quickly ask them if they can say their A B C's backwards. Demonstrate if necessary.

- Tell them you'll answer once they count to a million. Hopefully by then they have forgotten their question.

- Look over their shoulder and make a shocked face. When they look back to see what it is, sprint off so you will have "disappeared" when they turn back around.

- Start coughing and choking

- Ask them what their favorite color is. Then what their favorite number is. Then what their favorite animal, food, star, planet, flower, tree, toothpaste brand, jelly bean flavor and sport is. If they still haven't forgotten their question by then, answer those questions back for them.

- Glance down at your watch and say, "Oh, would you look at the time... I best be off, don't want to be late"

-Yawn widely and pretend to fall asleep standing up.

- Start dancing to the cubic shuffle

- Glance at the person suspiciously and ask, "Why do you want to know? Who are you working for?! I didn't do anything wrong!!!!!"

- If you can, answer with "maybe, maybe not"...

- Look to the right, look to the left, glance up, glance down. Look 'em in the eye for a good ten seconds. Say: "I don't know."

- "Oh look! An eagle!!!" (Point to the sky while saying so to make it more believable)

- Pretend you were bitten by a Zombie and start moaning. Walk around like one while gnashing your teeth and growling.

- Blame everything on the aliens

- The answer is two. Always.

- "Really? You don't know the answer, so you're asking me? Wow."

- Become a super-hero and fly away. Or crush them with a giant hammer. Ya know... whatever works...

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