Chapter 7 Dante

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I wish I could say that without my twin's support I still stayed strong. But that would be a lie. I had scared her, so bad that she had felt the need to run away from me and shut me away from herself so that I got no sense of her at all. My fault, my fault that I'd let the monster inside me out and it had gone after the one woman that should have been safe from it. So when I'd opened my eyes and seen that I'd Fed from an innocent woman, I knew there was no going back.

I was lost. And the only thing I could do was convince my soon to be Master that finding my Twin and letting me Turn her was the best course of action. Once Valentine felt the things I'd felt, she'd understand my actions and forgive me. I needed that. I knew my twin might not look at being Turned as a good thing right away, but I could convince her to share eternity with Isa and I. I loved my twin and I loved my Master and I needed them both.

The others were all ecstatic that I was no longer starving myself or resisting the Change. I was one of them now, and it was time I started accepting that that meant I needed to learn to hunt. So while we were stopped in Turkey, I was getting my first night out to Hunt. Truth be told I'd had no real clue where we were until Isa told me. I hadn't even realized we'd left the real Europe behind days ago. Instanbul had it's appealing points, even I had to admit that. And I'm kind of a travel snob. I may not be rich, but I certainly can tell you that Turkey has some of the most amazing beaches along its Mediterranean coasts.

Although the city is known for it's historical significance, the age of the tourists was closer to my own than I had anticipated. That made it both easier and harder for me to Hunt them. I had no trouble picking out a woman who I would have gone after had it been just for sex. But because I loved Isa, my Master, I felt this strange compulsion to resist that feeling. Until she gave me her permission to Hunt. After that, it was like someone had taken the Hunger and pumped it full of sterioid and amphetamines.

We were on the streets, walking through a crowd of people when I felt the first something I'd detected from my twin since she was scared away. I don't think she was even aware that I had thrown myself wide open to her so she could come back at anytime and know what I was feeling before choosing to come back to me. Hell, if I'm honest I don't think my twin even knew she was letting herself reach out to me again. It's hard to explain, but that faint feeling I got from her was drowsy, as if she were dreaming or day dreaming, either way she was relaxed and I didn't dare grab a hold onto that tenuous connection. I just let it fill me with hope. She didn't hate me. My twin didn't fear me. My Valentine knew I would never hurt her. This was good. I needed that trust there so she would let me Turn her. So she would never age and die and leave me alone in this world with only Isa and the monsters to keep me company.

Thinking about the necessity of Turning my twin reminded me that I needed to be focused right now. My Master, my beautiful Isa had given me permission to Hunt and that meant that anyone I chose was prey.It was easier somehow, thinking about this as necessary training I had to get out of the way before I could properly Turn my twin. It was going to be my ritual, my way of getting it perfect so my Valentine could Turn and never experience the fear or confusion that I had felt. That my friends had experienced. I could spare her that, all I had to do was become the perfect killer.


Stalking that first woman had been something else. It was as terrifying as skydiving, as ego busting as having sex for the first time and as intoxicating as any drug out on the streets. I didn't realize it then, but looking back on it now, the woman looked more like Isa than she did Valentine, and that seemed to please my Master very much. She was as aroused by the violence and blood as she was the love between us and seeing me stalk a woman who looked like she did was quite the turn on for her.

I tried to ignore that pull that Isa had developed in me, that wanted to make this Hunt as much about the sex as it was about the Feeding but I needed to learn to seperate the two. Or else I would destroy my twin when I was trying to save her. The only way to ensure that never happened was for me to learn to control both Hungers.

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