Chapter 6 Dante

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My mind was a maelstrom of heavily drugged hallucination, and insane mental wanderings, the only anchor holding me to my humanity, the faint beacon of light that was my twin refusing to let me go. I had stopped Feeding. Isa couldn't force it of me, not now. It was as if when I chose Valentine over Isabeau, the bond between twin became more open, and that forced the bond between Master and Childe to narrow. That wasn't supposed to happen, unless the Childe went wild. And that was the terrible consequence of Turning a twin. Unless you got them both at the same time, it was too dangerous to risk.

Isa had asked me about my family, but I had never told her about Valentine. Back then I hadn't wanted to be thinking about my twin, and yet now I needed to keep her on my mind all the time. She was the one thing offering me strength to deny the urge to Feed. And my Isa, my Master, was trying so hard to break my will and return me to her sway.

I thought that my Hunger would build, become harder and harder to resist each day, but it was strange. I got to the point where I felt like I couldn't stand the pressure anymore, I couldn't do it. My veins felt shredded and dry, I needed to Drink. But then I thought of my twin, of how much she's suffered because I couldn't think beyond the moment. And I managed to hold off a little longer. After that, the Hunger would only rise so high, then it seemed to ebb away, like sand in an hourglass. Whatever it was, I was grateful; my Master had tied my feeding instinct into the lust she roused in me and I knew that the more we combined the two, the harder it would be to ever seperate the two urges apart. And whatever twisted things she did to me inevitably bled over to Valentine through me, and I didn't want to do that to her.

She'd held herself apart from the guys we'd grown up with, having the ridiculous notion that the man she fell in love with would be thrilled that she was a virgin for him. Here's a secret most women seem oblivious of, ever since the sexual revolution, men have figured out that virgin = no clue what she's doing. Give me the girl who's just gotten out of a long term relationship and just needs some rebound sex. You got really hot, almost angry sex as the girl always seemed to need it a certain way to scrub the memory of the ex out of their head and off of their bodies.

Valentine and I had always had a rather startlingly blunt relationship in that she asked me questions about my sex life, and I'd shamelessly take advantage of her female view on every play I wanted to make on the girls around us, and since her friends were always easy picking, I'd made a point of paying attention to the things she'd said about them. So I got a player's guide book to women and a game genie all in one lovely package of a twin. And now all my sexual experience was being used in a way I never dreamed.

Isabeau was seducing me. Not like you'd think, strip tease kind of way. I guess the myths about succbi were about as true as the vampires because my Isa knew the things that flipped my switch, and she knew all the ways to twist and distort that. Even with the Master-Childe bond weakened, she was more powerful. My advantage would only last until they got me to Luctretia. As it was, we were mostly using trains to get across the countryside, flying ever forward towards New Delhi India. I found it to be heavily ironic that a creature of the Night lived towards the rising sun. I always figured vampires were more the, emo goth losers hollywood keeps showing us. Probably a design to convince the herd that the predator wasn't real, and if he was, he'd sparkle.

My love was doing incredably, exquisitly tormenting things with her tongue and her fangs and my reluctant arousal. I hadn't willingly Fed or gone to her bed since I decided to let the monster side give me the strength to break free. And she's been giving me the pleasures I've always loved and twisting them, making them perverted, each in their own way. Demonstrating her power over me. It was a battle of wills and I don't know how she hadn't already beaten me yet.

The nightmare inside me should have taken longer to rouse, I had barely starved it for three days. I'd heard the others discussing that most of our kind, even not wholly changed lasted sometimes up to a month without Feeding and return to normal after feasting. But I felt something rip out of my gut, pulled forward far too early and I grabbed Isabeau's hair and roughly pulled her mouth away from my body. I tossed her aside and she stared at me in shock.

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