Chapter 9- Let the training begin:

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The body suit felt like a ton of bricks had been strapped to my shoulders. I figured it was made out of a type of metal or something. All I knew was that if I had to do a lot of movement in it, I would probably struggle.

“Hello mighty Synx. I am Tequila and I will be your defense trainer. First lets begin with your movement... Make sure that when I attempt to hit you, that you block my way. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you, for the first part at least.” my defense trainer explained, sounding like she had a lot of enjoyment in her role of responsibility.

“OK, I supposed to wear this outfit all the time? Because it is really uncomfortable and heavy.” I inquire, feeling a bit embarrassed at the fact that I wasn’t liking the suit.

“Oh, well, I will tell the maker and we will work something out. Don’t worry though, this is only for training. Well, in other words, every training will require this, but when you are training in you knowledge, you don’t.” she reassured, keeping a smile on her face the whole time.

It was comforting to know I didn’t have to wear the uncomfortable armor 24-7, because there was no way I could have survived it. Think about it like this: I weigh 65 kilos and that metal felt like it weighed twice as much.

Eventually, Tequila and I had finished our little conversation and had to begin working on my ability to defensively block Tequila’s hits and kicks. As far as training and tests go, that was probably the best one I had so far since I had got there. I was hoping they were all like that. Nobody likes being bored.

“Wow, you were amazing with your training today. Out of the three eternals I have taught, you were the easiest by far. I’ll train you anytime.” Tequila said confidently, making me feel elated!!!

It was really nice to have at least one moment of my day where I could take my mind off of Timothy and Emma leaving their lives to crumble and fall. I guess the best thing about this moment was getting a compliment on how I was handling something well!

“Well, what can I say. Your a great teacher.” I shot back with a smile on my face as well, giving her a little nudge. ”So, what do I do now? “

“I’m pretty sure that you are now able to go rest, that is until your next training. I’ll see if I can persuade Makton to make your next lesson knowledge, that way you can be in your comfortable goddess-like dress.” she replied, being a very caring person.

It was a long wait for Frector to come in his nervous form with the ‘Goddess-like dress’ Tequila had mentioned before. When he dropped it off, I noticed how stunning the dress really was. It was the color silver with dazzling gold stars rising up from the seams. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I realised what had actually happened to me for the first time...

The spirits of the middle had named me there leader and was relying on me to defeat the enemies and concur them one and for all. But how was I going to do that? I could barely put on my armor, led alone fight the vicious. Not only that, but how was I going to concentrate on a battle when I can’t stop thinking about the past. Right then and there, I doubted my abilities and felt like giving up.

When I plonked on the couch, I just wanted Tim to stroke my hair and say his positive quotes to cheer me up when I was down in the dumps, like then. Not only that, but I wanted Emma to give me one of her special hugs that could warm the hearts of even the coldest people.

I took a look in the mirror and saw a woman that had a magnificent sense of dress and an amazing will to survive. Everything I wasn’t. I was still confused with why I was the third and final Synx, here to help in battle and defeat the enemies. I guess I just felt like everyone had high expectations for me, when I didn’t think I could live up to them. 

What if I failed? Would I just be somehow transferred from the middle to heaven or the more likely, hell? Sure, I was ‘the chosen one’, but I was just an ordinary spirit like them all. So why me?

“Excuse me miss, but I was sent to collect you for you Synx knowledge training. I will be you teacher.” a familiar voice had explained to me from a distance.

“Maylah? You are my knowledge teacher?” I asked with amazement within my tone.

“In the flesh. Or you could say in the spirit. But anyway, we need to start right away. We need to complete a successful lesson, with time left over for your agility lesson. Then after that, we need to complete the stamina. As you can hear, we have A LOT to get through. Now, I’m only going to be there with you for the agility and stamina, but your teachers are extremely helpful. You’ll be ready in no time.” she blabbered on, losing eye contact as she paced up and down, worried that we weren’t going get everything done in the time limit.

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘I’ll be ready’? Ready for what?” I asked with anxiety making my voice croaky.

“Ready for your first duty. But don’t worry about being under the radar of the Crods. They will be trapped for the first couple of trips you make down to earth for your protection patient. The only problem is that after two trips, we will lose the ability to trap them. This will give them the opportunity to destroy you and come after the eternals.” she reassured me, making sure I didn’t have a heart attack.

“What is my first duty exactly?” I questioned her, noting knowing what journey I was destined to experience...

“Well, thats not something I am allowed to tell you just yet. Don’t worry, we will tell you when it is required.” she explained, not giving me the information I was looking for.

The conversation soon ended after that and it was time to get into my training. I had never trained as hard as that in any form of my life before. It was probably obvious because at the end, I was exhausted. When I opened my eyes after blinking, the room was spinning and I just felt like dropping to the floor and dying for a second time. Now that was a big down side for a Synx.

“Well, you did amazingly. Out of the three Synx, you have definitely proven that you are the most powerful by far. Wish I was as talented as you.” Maylah explained, ending with a negative comment for herself.

“Well, having that experience has opened my eyes and made me see that even though I am ‘powerful’ like you said, it’s much harder. So tell me, why I was the one to have this ‘gift’? I inquired, thinking that if I was still a human I would be drenched in sweat. So glad I’m not for that reason...and that reason only.  “Anyway, I’m glad I had you with me for the rest this day that felt like it would never end.”

“If you thought today was hard...You haven’t seen anything. Be prepared for a lot of drama and misery for tomorrow.” she explained, giving me barely any clues as to what my destiny has installed for me.

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