Chapter 8- The overlook:

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After continuous nagging to the other spirits, I was finally told how to overlook on my loved ones. As I did, I saw that Tim had decided to be Emma’s carer for once and for all. I was glad it was going to be him that was going to take care of my sister.

As I watched him even closer, I noticed something strange about Emma. Emma didn’t look like herself. It was like Emma had tried to hurt herself because of my death. I didn’t want it to be that way though. I didn’t want her to feel like she has to join me.

Watching on again, I had then noticed Tim’s misery. I wondered if he had tried to hurt himself as well. Hopefully he hadn’t, but I couldn’t be certain. Focusing more so on him now, I realised that he had a bag with a few of the things I was wearing when I let go. I had totally forgotten that it was still only day time there even though it is almost midnight here.

I had learnt a lot in this day, but that was one that I already remember off by heart. Another thing I remembered was that us eternals don’t need to sleep. I didn’t know if I liked the idea of being a sleepless spirit, but there was nothing I could do.

I couldn’t watch it anymore. I had seen so many things I had never wanted to see. I couldn’t get over the fact that Emma was so angry with herself because of my death that she felt like she had to become a different person. The girl I saw was not the sweet little sister of mine who promised to always look after herself even when I had died. It was obvious that she had forgotten that, but I really wished she didn’t.

It wasn’t just her that had changed, I couldn’t believe what Tim had done to himself. It looked like in the estimated two hours I had been gone from his life, he had starved and tortured himself. It was absolutely despicable to see him give up hope.

To see the two most important people to me give up was just unbelievable to me. If only they knew what I was thinking at that moment so they could hopefully get back on track, making me proud.

I wanted to help them so badly by contacting them through their dreams, but I wasn’t even allowed to leave the room I was in, led alone the middle for my own selfish reasons. I had a world to protect by protecting myself and if it meant being unable to leave the Synx room, I had to stay. If only there was a way for me to contact them from the room.

“Dearest, I am Frector. We would like to start your training in the subject of defense very soon. First, before you can start, we need to get the outfit on you for your practice battle.” Frector shyly said, looking like he was about to pass out with anxiety.

“OK, thank-you.” I replied to him, trying to lighten his mood. 

After he handed myself the suit, he quickly rushed away. I didn’t bother doing anything about it because I would probably make the young boy’s confidence level drop. I didn’t want to do that to him.

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