Chapter 7- A long wait:

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After waiting the rest of the day for the deciders to tell me what was going on or what the problem was, Maylah finally did something to help...

“Cleo, this is Crinta. He is here to talk to you. He is a decider. I’ll leave you two to talk.” Maylah told me, pointing at who was obviously Crinta.

“Hello, young one. This kind of thing doesn’t happen very often. Well, it has only happened three times, including your case. With the other two times, we have had many problems with in deciding. But each time, we call them close to royalty. The Makton feels that you should follow the same path.” he explained in a calm and collected voice.

“Wait, what on earth do you mean when you say ‘close to royalty’? Oh and what is even going on? What am I? Am I a defensive eternal, a knowledge eternal, a stamina eternal or an agility eternal? Please, give me some answers here because I have no idea what is going on.” I shout, getting grumpy at the fact that I didn’t know what was even going on.

“Your are not any of those four. You are a Synx. You got a perfect score in all four categories, making you the third and final ruler. We have been waiting for you for many years. Is that enough answers for you?” he said with joy-filled eyes.

The thought of me being a ‘ruler’ gave me a tremendous shock that I had no idea how to handle. In some ways, I felt exited that I could help. But in other ways, I felt like I was the wrong person to take on this huge responsibility.

“I have one more question I need an answer on... Other than having all four categories, what makes us so different?” I inquire, hoping to get a detailed explanation.

“You are different in so many different ways. For start as, you have five more powers along with the average ones. They are: being able to heal the wounded, being able to look into the future by getting premonitions, being able to freeze time and people, being twice as powerful as everyone else and the last but definitely by far the most powerful... to be able to talk to humans in their dreams.

 These are all very exiting, but they are also very harmful if they fall into the wrong hands. You see, even though you are very powerful, you are not invincible. We have enemies, therefore we have have to protect the ones in power, which is only you. Our other two Synx’s have both been destroyed by the Crods. Because of this, they have gained their powers. We have been in battle for billions of years, but because they have gained our powers, they have been the dominant side. Now that we have you, we must make sure you are protected and we must make sure that we do not lose you just like we lost them.

Makton feels that the only way we can be successful in this is to keep you in hiding until we know that our strongest eternals from every category is ready for war...“he blabbered on, making sure he left nothing out.

“So, if I was to say, go back down to earth to sneak into Emma’s dreams, will they come after me down there?” I mumbled to myself, guessing Crinta heard as well.

“Unfortunately for you, we aren’t going to let you go down there until you are also trained for the chance that something like that will happen. But we do have a way we can help you over see what your loved ones are doing and how they are handling your human form’s death.” he then told me, trying to lighten the mode after breaking the negatives news to me. “But right now, we need to get you to the Synx room for the beginning of your training.”

I let Crinta take me to the Synx room for what I assumed was for training like he had said. I got kind of worried for the like one hundredth time that day as I thought about what I would have to do.

“Hello, Makton. I brought her as you requested sir.” Crinta told an old man, who looked like he was meditating.

“Thank-you Crinta. You may go now.” he ordered in a kind and caring tone.

Slowly Crinta creeped out the door, leaving me with yet another stranger. It was different this time though. I had met over four other people/spirits today and out of those, I remember two. But this man/spirit Maylah described as the headmaster, had a magnetic pull (so to speak). It was so hard to resist walking up to him and taking a proper look at him...So I did.

“Come close, don’t be shy. I won’t bite.” Makton kindly ordered me this time.

When I walked up to him, I noticed that he had several scars in every direction of his face. Even then, he was incredibly handsome. Were all eternals this beautiful? Well, except for me.

“Hello young Synx. So, how did this all happen? In other words, how did you die? Sorry for not paying attention to you in your human life, but I have millions of people to check up on.” Makton asked me, paying close attention to me at that moment.

“Well, I got hit by a car, trying to save my sister’s life. It defiantly worked with her life, but the concrescence was my own death.” I explained to him, feeling like I was going to start crying but was unable to because of the fact I wasn’t a girl with feelings. When a human dies, they lose their way with emotions. 

“Sounds like you had a tough battle. Did you try to fight it at all or did you just let go?” he asked, this time, becoming more intrigued in the conversation.

“Well, at first I tried to fight the pain and live for Emma and Tim, but I gave up after thinking about it for a while. I thought it was pointless to fight it, because if it wasn’t meant to be that I died, there would be some kind of miracle.” I replied, hoping he asked no more questions. I didn’t exactly want to keep talking about the life I had. I missed it too much and I didn’t want to regret giving up when I could have kept fighting like Makton had said.

“Everything happens for a reason young Synx. You may not like it, but it is true. You can’t change your destiny. We are glad we have you. So this may have been the reason for your death.” he reassured me.

The conversation went on for a while, but it seemed like Makton could talk like that forever. Luckily, Makton had noticed the boredom that had come over me and had finally cut it off.

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