Chapter 2-More to-do's with a surprise:

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Wow. How could i spend 4 hours at a supermarket? I didn’t need to get that many groceries. It was already 1 ‘o clock and I had only completed one of my chores. The more I think about it, that day wasn’t as normal as I thought. I’m still trying to figure out what went so tragically wrong.

The trip home was even longer because it was the beginning of peek hour. Not only that, but Emma was like a sound box out of control and i couldn’t distract myself from it!

YES...We are home after a couple more hours wasted. What is the point of that annoying roadwork anyway?

‘Ring-a-ling-a-ling’, ‘ring-a-ling-a-ling’...

“Hello, Cleo Brokwood speaking.” I boringly say into the phone as I answer.

“Nice to hear some enthusiasm from my high school bestie.” Tim sarcastically replies.

“Oh I am so sorry Timothy Dolter. What tone would you prefer?” I question, playing along with the sarcastic marathon that never ends between us.

“Hmmm, not sure if I want flight attendant or boogie monster.” he explains, ending with a chuckle that was humorous in its own individual way.

We both then had a laugh and the line then went completely silent. I wondered if the connection had disconnected.

“Anyway, how are you? I haven’t heard from you for like a month. How’s Emma?” Tim asks, changing the subject and becoming more serious.

“OK, to start off, you called me last week. Not to forget the week before and the week before that...want me to keep going?” I started to tell him. “But secondly, I’m going alright, considering. Emma, she’s her normal bubbly self. She asked me yesterday if you could come over some day soon, but I told her that you will when you are not so busy. Don’t know how to explain to her that you’re on a holiday and won’t be back for some time, because you don’t have an exact date. Also she’ll ask if me and her can go on a holiday. I would, but I just can’t afford it right now.” I continued blabbering on.

“Sounds like your life is a bit troubling at the moment. Remember, just say the word and I can help in an instant.” he gestured to me like always.

“It’s fine. I’m handling it.” I reassured, making sure I said that before he started to worry.

At that moment, I      could hear cars passing him and the wind blowing into his phone. I figured that he was just driving from wherever in Hong Kong. I just wished that he was in Perth with Emma and I.

There are many different things that come to my mind when i though of Tim. Things like funny, sensitive, mysterious and not to forget outgoing. He was the type of person that would always put a smile on your face in whatever type of mood you were in. I miss that.

If it wasn’t already obvious, I had a MAJOR crush on him. He had been the love of my life since i was twelve years old and I am now thirty years old. We have been through practically everything together and we were like inseparable ever since we met. He was one of the reasons I am still sane with Emma. Tim is the closest thing Emma has as a father figure and it is very noticeable when all three of us are together.

“So, I guess I need to get off the phone...Got some important things to do. Going to visit a great friend of mine.” he explained, making me a little suspicious about something. I felt like he was up to something that was no good. What could he be doing?

“OK, wish I could get a visit from you soon.” I negatively mumble, but regretting it at the same time.

After saying goodbye and hanging up, it was time for more chores. How pleasant... Ironing was next. That was probably my least favorite of them all. Boy was I going to have a fun time, not!

For some reason, every time I checked up on Emma to make sure she was OK and didn’t need anything, she was staring out the window of her small, cramped up bedroom. It was more suspicious than Tim.

It was then 4 ‘0’ clock when I got the biggest shock of my life. Tim had pulled up at the front of my door step with several bags and two presents in his hand. I couldn’t believe it, he was back and by the looks of his baggage, he was staying for a while. I just hoped that was forever! I sure know that it will be remembered by me forever, no matter what.

“Oh my gosh!!! What are you doing here Tim Tam?” I barely got out of my throat, but also trying to sound in anyway funny.

“Well, I did say I was visiting a great friend, did I not? I’m glad Emma kept the secret.” Tim answered, placing everything down for hugs. 

I didn’t say anything else. All I did was leap into his arms (literally), making sure I Had squeezed as hard as I possibly could. At one point I didn’t want to let go. His scent of cologne filled my nose as we hugged and his soft touch sent my mind on a wild goose chase. Not to forget his gorgeous look and charm. He was defiantly my dream man.

After what felt like not long enough, our affectionate moment came to an end so that Emma could have her own hug. I just wish I could have those moments back.

“Now, time for presents!” Emma impatiently pushes, jumping up and down at the thought. If I knew what she was thinking (which I probably did), she would be saying ‘Clothes, Ke$ha stuff or pretty nail accessories’. 

Not long after, Tim handed Emma the present that was more than half the size of all three of us, but did not do anything with the box like present. 

As Emma unwrapped her gift, she took her time and made sure there wasn’t even a tear in the paper (all part of as-burgers). She defiantly did a good job at that. Once every single piece of wrapping paper was off  and looked like it was brand new, a Ke$ha cardboard cut out, a nail set and five tops with three matching pairs of pants. I was amazed at how much he had spoiled her. Hope he didn’t do the same for me, but knowing him, he has almost certainly spoiled me the same if not more.

“OK, so how was it.” I ask, feeling a little like Curious George for a split second.

“Boring without you.” he started to comment about. “Why don’t we talk about it over tea. Anywhere you like.” he added on.

“Sure, I’ll ask Emma where she wants to go...” I replied, not completely understanding what he was trying to imply.

“No no. Just you and me. We can ask Emma’s friends or something if they can look after her for the night. I want to discuss a few things with just you about some VERY personal stuff.” Tim explained in his deep, serious voice that I secretly found very attractive.

After a numerous amount phone calls, I finally found a person that could handle Emma for the night. Even though I trusted Aprilynne, I was still worried about how Emma would behave. What if she played up?

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