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One day, the Babadook's book arrived at (Y/N)'s home. (Y/N) was asleep, but she felt someone's presence near. She tried to not think about it, and carry on sleeping. The Babadook stood guard, and admired how pleasant this victim looked.
The next day, (Y/N)'s maid, Kiana Marie Dryden, was cleaning the house because (Y/N)'s friends were coming over. The family Kiana worked for was very wealthy, though they lived in a pretty typical home. The home was 4 stories, including the basement, and had a large yard filled with a garden and in ground pool. "Kiana!" (Y/N) shouted.
"Yes, young master?" Kiana said, running into the room.
"Where is my dress?!" (Y/N) yelled, she was infuriated. (Y/N) usually didn't get mad about this, but the dress mattered to her, her mother had given it to her before she died. It was only (Y/N), (Y/N)'s father, and Kiana Marie Dryden; the maid.
"Oh, (Y/N), you're father took it. Didn't he tell you?"
"No, he didn't,"
"Where is he?"
"He left, didn't say where."
(Y/N) stormed out their bedroom, frustrated with her father. Where had he taken her dress? No! (Y/N) thought. She was very angry, but decided not to worry about it at the moment. (Y/N)'s friend, Samuel, was coming over today. The Babadook watched from the woods not far from the yard.

Samuel came over to (Y/N)'s house. Samuel and (Y/N) have been friends for a long time of 6 years. Samuel was a year older than (Y/N), but they didn't seem to care, they just seemed to care of each other's company. "Let's go walk in the woods," he said, "I like the forestiation."
"Sure," (Y/N) smiled. She was in a joyful mood today.
As they walked through the woods, there came a stop. There was a fence that she hadn't noticed before, it was black and gave off a dark feeling. "Let's go on the other side, please!" Samuel begged.
"If there's a fence, we shouldn't be going over then," (Y/N) replied.
"But I'm curious, and aren't you tired of being a slave to the rules?"
(Y/N) thought about this. He had been right, she had always followed the rules, and never got into any trouble. "Let's go," she said.
Samuel climbed over the fence, then (Y/N). Samuel caught (Y/N) as she jumped to get off. They walked close together as they got deeper into the woods. As they got deeper in, it got a little darker. (Y/N) grabbed Samuel's forearm, she was scared.
Then, a dark figure appeared from behind a tree. He had a black fedora and black coat on, he wore black eye shadow and eyeliner over his white skin. His eyes like coal. "Run! Run, (Y/N)!" Samuel yelled. They both started running but the Babadook was quick. They got to the fence, that directed them back to the backyard, and Samuel hoisted (Y/N) up. As she sat on the top of the fence, Samuel was trying to get up.
"Give me your hand! Hurry!"
"It's ok, go on without me!" He yelled.
"No, Samuel! There's still time, come on!"
But the Babadook had arrived.
"I love you! You're my best friend!" Samuel yelled. The Babadook strangled him, while he was trying to climb the fence.
Samuel went cold. He was dead.
(Y/N) was terrified. She was terrified, she started to cry. (Y/N) went over the fence and started running back inside her home. "Marie!" (Y/N) yelled, crying.
"What's wrong, dear?" Kiana asked, walking into the room.
"SomethingkilledSamuelinthewoods!" (Y/N) cried out fast.
"What?!" The maid questioned.
"Samuel's dead!"
"Aw, it's ok. Let it all out, I know how much you cared about him," she comforted.
(Y/N) started crying her eyes out.
What was that thing? And why'd it kill Samuel? (Y/N) kept thinking. It was terrifying. Who knew what it would be capable of doing next.

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