Chapter 1-Escaping:

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It was just a average Autumn based day for me. Nothing out of the ordinary like always. I was out shopping when my life changed forever. Why did this have to happen to my dull life? 

I had like a million things to get done. First on my list was shopping. At least I was able to get out of the house, even if it was only for a short time.

“You ready to go, Emma?” I asked my younger sister impatiently, determined to leave.

“Give me 5 minutes and i will be.” she replied in her usual sweet tone.

She was a great sister to have. The only down side was... she’s very clingy.  It may be the fact that she has as-burgers or the fact that I am the only family member she has. Well...had.

 After all, she is only a fifteen year old girl who thinks I am her mother. I could never tell her the tragic story of how mum and dad couldn’t handle her, therefore packing their bags, then up and leaving, leaving me with no choice but to be the carer. At least I could say that I was her parent(she was only one when this happened). I have never and will never forgive them for abandoning us.

I love Emma to bits, don’t get me wrong. But I need time away from her every once and a while. Doesn’t everyone need time to be by themselves?

“How about you just stay here. I’ll be back before you know it.” I calmly offered.

“But... But you said we were going. It won’t be the same if it is just you. I remember you saying it. I have to come.” she mumbled, making sure she spoke loud enough for me to hear.

“Ok...Ok, I’ll wait for you.” I told her, reassuringly, making sure she didn’t have a major tantrum like the past ones

At that point, she didn’t answer. All she did was rush back into the bathroom to finish getting ready to go. It was tiring living life like that, but I guess I still miss it. 

After waiting what felt like forever, it was finally time to hit the road. I just hoped that Emma would give me at least 5 seconds peace. I doubted it though.

My doubt came true soon enough. As the car’s wheels started to move, so did Emma’s mouth. It didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. That may have been because I was concentrating more-so on my driving and less on listening to my lovable sister. Thank goodness I had selected hearing!

The shops came into sight after what felt like an eternity of red lights and road works. I had finally escaped the tantrums and arguments of my own home. Not exactly the way I imagined myself talking about my life. 

Unlike myself, Emma took her time getting out of the car. She was probably overwhelmed with how fast I got out. I couldn’t help it though, fresh air was by far better than stuffy air from the car or my house.

“So, mum. What’s the first thing on your list?” Emma curiously asked me, trying to sneak a peek.

“Well, according to my list... We need to get some cereal. What do you want, co-co pops or cornflakes?” I explain, finishing off with a question, knowing the answer pops.

“The normal.” she mumbled, giving me a ‘Duh’ type of look that wasn’t concerning to me in any way.

“Co-co pops it is.” I said, with a smirk beginning to form on my face at the thought of how predictable my little sister had become to me.

My list eventually shrunk. I had totally forgotten about the time and had only realised when the list was just a piece of paper with scribble all over it....

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