Chapter VIII

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I bolt upright, twitching and screaming, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

He was in my room, watching me. I thought he was gone, he was supposed to be back in Chicago. I was supposed to be safe.

Four. He'd help me, I know it. He's my safety blanket. When I screech his name at the top of my lungs, the man sneers, "Who the hell are you calling, bitch? Are you cheating on me?" He lunges at me, causing my scream to break into pitiful whimpers, curling in a ball, trying to protect myself.

"I can't believe you thought you could get away from me!" He gives an ugly laugh, his dark eyes shining with something twisted. I don't know what I ever saw in him. He's nothing like Four. "I'll show you who you belong to!" He shouts, stalking towards me, ripping the blankets away from my body.

I scream my throat raw, curling tighter in a fetal position.

"Hey, Tris, baby," A gentle voice whispers, shaking me. I open my eyes, blinking to clear them of the constant flow of tears. "Let me see your pretty eyes," Four coos, running his fingers through my damp, sweaty hair.

"I-" I croak, not being able to form words.

"Don't speak," He shushes me quietly. He pulls me to his chest, cradling me just like I wanted him to, like my safety blanket. He rubs my back, rocking us back and forth, trying to calm my erratic breathing.

"He's in here," I fuss, grabbing at his t-shirt, knowing he would be confused.

He wasn't. "No, he isn't. It was just a dream. Let's get a couple more hours of sleep, we'll talk in the morning," He whispers, laying us down and covering me with the cool sheet.

"Don't let me go," I tell him, nuzzling his chest, his arms wound tightly around me.

"Never," He rests his cheek on mine. "Sleep."


"Good morning, little one," Four whispers as soon as my eyes flutter open.

I yawn, stretching my arms above my head and bending my legs. "Morning," I murmur, curling back up.

"How do you feel?"

"Better," I kiss his chest. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. Let's get you all showered up and let's cook some breakfast," He pulls my sticky hair away from my neck.

"I'm out of food," I chuckle, the sound coming out a little fake and forced.

"Then we'll go to the store," He lifts me from the bed, carrying me into the bathroom. "Let me help you bathe."

I squirm out of his hold, landing on my feet, "I can wash myself." He looked so hurt and I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

"Oh, okay. I'll just go ahead and go to the store while you shower. Be back in a bit," He gives a wave before slipping out the door.

I sigh, closing the bathroom door and undressing myself, fresh cuts littering the inside of my thighs.

Four was too good for me. I wish he'd leave and live the life he was meant to have.

I kept telling myself that him being a Dominant will be different and helpful in my case, but I was terrified. I was putting myself in a position where I was completely defenseless.

And then my nightmare last night. How do I know Four won't turn on me too?

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