The business sessions

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Hugo fell asleep on the couch,

It will be 3 days until the female smurfs in the Hiddlestons group come home from their culinary arts in their internship term. Hugo got up from the couch and asked Coroner. "Have you seen Papa Smurf?" James Madison was typing on the typewriter. "No," he scoffs while looking closely at the typewriter. "Actually, I haven't seen them since yesterday," "Oh okay," Hugo said. "I'm going to have a look around Mr. Madison," "Alright son, be safe." James Madison treated Hugo Lackland Hiddleston like his own son. The female smurfs in the Hiddlestons group were out still at New York City as a culinary arts major while Decker and the others are still finishing up their 8 hour shift.

Decker got a letter from the female smurfs knowing that they applied to the culinary arts and decided to study abroad because they had to see what was happening around the world. Decker spends the night at the dormitory inside John Adams' business office where he bought the house with 5 bedrooms for use to the groups to sleep in. Next, Papa Smurf was writing a letter to Diana Parker Hiddleston in which is the sister of the Parker brothers. Daniel sits on the table as Herr peeks closely to him. "Uh Dan what are you doing on the table?" He asks him. "Oh I'm sorry," Daniel scoffed. "My butt is profusely falling asleep right now. Besides, I'm starting to think Thomas Jefferson is acting strange because he knew he wanted more slaves." "What was he doing?" He wonders. "What is he that he has done? What am I? His co-worker? Neptune no! That doesn't make any sense, all slaves are already abolish. Thousands of smurfs and the others were arrested and sent to jail. I could consider that a truant because I noticed it has happened for the last 48 hours," "What are you talking about?" Joseph asked him as he interrupted him. "Well I noticed Thomas Jefferson is acting strange. He is definitely a hypocrite, I told John Adams about it." Little did they know anything about Alexander since the day Hugo saw his 17 year old Nephew Alexander Lackland Hiddleston Cruz. "My Nephew is Half Filipino and a Scottish Descent Smurf," he tells Herr Matthew. "He's been around town since the day we started getting our stuff unpacked in John Adams' household. John Adams, A 5 feet 7 inch tall person comes in to check Herr and Hugo to see what they doing. "Mr. Adams, what took you so long?" Hugo asks. "My Apologies," John Adams Shrugged. "The newspaper shop has been closed because there were only few workers inside the shop, so what brings you guys here? I saw Hugo's Nephew at the middle of the cafe earlier." "Oh that makes sense, I'm sure you saw him," He nodded. "Thus, I would want to make it up to him because I was busy at work. In fact, he's quite a puzzle himself." "My wife is busy with errands and my kids," He added. "In that case, I would come over to see what he's doing? Sounds good?" "Yeah Mr. Adams," he agreed with him. "Sounds good,"

Smurfs 1700-1800 Ch.23: The InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now