14/5/2016 - Saturday

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Dear future boyfriend,

It is 8am in the morning, I slept around 1am last night. I was listening to cardlinaudio last night, a YouTube channel that posts asmr videos.

Do you listen to asmr? If you don't, you totally should. It gets me to sleep all the time.

The video was about, cardlin, himself, roleplaying as the boyfriend and he was playing games but the listener, me , was tired and wanted to cuddle and sleep so, the 'boyfriend', let me lay on his lap and cuddled him while he played his games. There was breathing sounds and typing and tapping and it was so relaxing. (I swear I'm not lonely at the moment)

We should totally do that sometimes but more of the cuddling tho because you know, I love hugs and I would love you to whisper to me while I sleep (not in a creepy way haha).

I'll link the video on here so you'll get an idea how it works :)

I don't have insomnia but this helps me sleep real fast. Even if I'm not tired to go to bed, this helps me get to bed quick because I am tired but can't sleep. You know what I mean?

Anyways, I hope you know what to do to me when I go to bed next time so I don't have to rely on these videos to sleep. I bet you're super nice to sleep with (is that a weird thing to say?). Like, super cuddly and warm, because, I like to stay warm.

You know what I like to sleep with? Socks and a jacket. Its super warm and cozy and you have no idea how nice it is till you try it. Everyone is like, sleeping naked is super niiiiice and I'm just thinking, nah I don't won't my bod to be chilly. Hmm, maybe sleeping naked would be a good thing if I had someone to share body heat with *wink wink* I'm talking about you (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, till we somehow meet,
With love,
Marion x

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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