1/2/2016 - Monday

16 0 0

Dear future boyfriend,

Its already February, can you believe how fast this year is going by? I remember just about yesterday it was Christmas and look at it now. Its already goddamn February.

I wonder if you're madly in love right now, with some girl who'll possibly break your heart or just crushing on some hot girl. Guess what? You're gonna get this hot junk in the future, wink wink

I some how hurt my leg, its hurts badly when I walk and I had to put some sort of heating pad thingy (?) to make it feel a little better. Hopefully the pain will subside and that I don't have to stand for long or my legs will die of pain

I've got a physics test tomorrow and and biology test the day after. Here I am, writing on wattpad, thinking about what I want you to read in the future.

Bla bla bla bla such words much bore.

I'm cold. HUG ME DAMNIT.

If you just read past that, give future me a hug.

I hope (HOPE) that we will meet eventually, hugging a pillow to bed is getting lame and I want someone to squish.

Tell future me to love herself, right now or so help me I will find you.. And I will slap you..

Treat her well, tell her she's beautiful even though I may act / look like a beast (hehe a SEXY beast rawrrr) I hope I look sexy now.

Did future me worked out and got that awesome bod she wanted? If she didn't, tell her to get her lazy ass up and do some goddamn work. Also tell her to lay off the junk food and pizza, its for the best

Psst, pizza is awesome, she likes stuffed crust. Sometimes thin crusts are awesome. Actually all pizza crusts are delicious. Don't worry pizza, you're delicious, just the way you areeeeeeee #lovewins

Also get me ice cream. I love me some nice creamy ice cream. Mmmm vanilla. You know what else is creamy and white? *wink wink*

whipped cream of course

What were you thinking? You cheeky bastard. Actually, I'm the one who's cheeky. If you didn't get the dirty reference then why the hell am I dating you.

My favorite ice cream flavors :

1. Oreo
2. Cookie dough
3. Cookies and cream
4. Caramel
5. Vanilla

*favoritism of flavors may vary from age or time*

I'm running out of things to write, so I'm gonna go now.

Tons of love, hugs and kisses,
Marion x

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