18 Things To Do Before You're 18. [[Chapter Four]]

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After my whole talk with coach I found myself walking to my Calculus class in a bit of a daze.

What had I just done? I kept asking myself.

When I walked in I aw that there were a few new students, luckily this was one of the few classes that didn't change for me.

I walked to my usual seat, but when I sat down I realized that the annoying red head that used to sit there was gone.

I turned to face the guy sitting there. I instantly recognized him.

"Will?" I asked dumbfounded. He laughed at my expression.

"Hey it's you" he said in a joking way.

I threw my arms around him, "Will I haven't talked to you in like forever" I cried.

You see Will and I had actually had the same math class since we were in grade school. We soon became good friends. But when we both got to middle school we didn't really talk any more. Because he became one of the popular jocks and I stayed the math geek.

"I know I've missed you" he said as he hugged me back.

I pulled away and saw that people were staring at us. I blushed now deeply embarrassed.

He laughed again, "You still do that?" he asked, lightly touching my cheek.

I smiled sheepishly and tried to cover my now red face.

"Geez Rach, you haven't changed a bit, you know I thought that was you in the hall this morning" He mused. I suddenly remembered the incident from early.

I couldn't help but feel a stab of pain because first of all he didn't even recognize me before, second he didn't do much to stop Trevor, and third he had noticed how I hadn't changed.

"Uh, yeah that was me" I muttered a little angry now. I could feel tears in my eyes, but I fought hard to control them.

Wouldn't I look like an idiot crying in front of Will cause he didn't remember me.

The teacher walked in then so I quickly turned away from Will to try and refocus my attention and calm myself.

"Ok class" spoke Mr. Andrews. He was like my favorite teacher because he was a dork like me. With his bow ties and high waters.

"Today we are going to start a project, we will be building model houses, and along with building you must design and set up the measurements to the model" he instructed.

I noticed Will's face was uneasy; he looked a bit confused by what Mr. Andrews was saying.

"Now partner up and we will get started" Will turned to me and smiled.

"Wanna be partners?" he asked.

I couldn't help it, he was my friend still in some ways, "Sure" I said.

After an hour of trying to explain to Will what exactly it was that we would be doing the bell rang.

He sighed heavily, "Man I don't know how anyone will be able to get an A in this class, and this stuff is seriously hard"

"Not really" I contradicted, "You just have to pay attention, it is all quite simple"

He smirked, "Of course it would be for you Rachel, you're a nerd" he joked.

I tried to laugh along but I still felt a peeved about him calling me a nerd, Even though I knew it was true.

We both got up at the same time and headed out into the hallway.

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