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2 years later

"Guys! Breakfast!" Xander called out.

"DUM DADA DA DUM DUM DUM DUUUUUUM!" Nico sang as she ran into the kitchen with zeppelin on her shoulder.
He laughed and she set him down in a chair.

Xander kissed her and Nico kissed Ricky on the cheek.

"Morning darling." Nico said.

"Love on me now cause I've gotta get to school." Xander said.
Nico stood up and hugged onto her.

"I love you!"

"I love you too babe."

"Mhmmhmh." Ricky mumbled.

"I wuv you too!" Zeppelin said and Xander picked him up and kissed him.

"I love you most."

"Hey!" Nico said.

"What?" Xander asked. Nico scoffed and jumped down.

"I'll be back." She ran upstairs and and walked back down. She looked at everyone in the kitchen.

/who knew me of all people would end up so happy? If you were to tell me this two years ago I might've just punched you. I'm not alone anymore. There are people that love me. My mom, Xander, Ricky, zeppelin..
They all love me. And now. I love me too. Maybe that's what jack meant.. The truest of true love comes from the being. I get it now./ she thought.

"Self love isn't always so poetic; sometimes it's a nice big triple backflip kick in the ass. You've got to call yourself on your own nonsense on the incredibly efficient way you can be self destructive."
-Steve maraboli

(Stay safe friends- author)

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