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Ricky and Xander waited outside of the bathroom aimlessly.
They heard a thud to the floor.

Ricky opened the door and saw the test sitting on top of a towel.

Xander ran to Nico and kissed her. She hugged her tightly.

"You're pregnant..." Ricky said to no one in particular.
Nico hugged Xander back.

"I love you." Xander said in her ear.

"I love you too." Nico said back.

The three left the bathroom and sat in the living room.

Everyone had calmed down from the madness earlier.
Nico was laying down on her back.

Xander rubbed her stomach.
"Hi lil Nico. I'm Xander. And I love you so much." She cooed making Nico smile.

"My turn." Ricky said and kneeled next to Xander. "Hey baby Nico. I'm your favorite uncle Ricky. And when you make it out here I can teach you not to be an asshole like your mom." He cooed making Nico laugh and hit him.

"Thanks guys." Nico said.

"For what babe?" Xander asked.

"For supporting me. Through all of this shit."
Ricky and Xander hugged her.

"We're not gonna leave you in the dust Nico." Ricky said.

"Yeah. We'll be here every step of the way."

"Even if I want to keep them?" Nico asked.

"Especially if you wanna keep them." Xander said and pecked her lips.

"Are you gonna tell your mom?" Ricky asked.

"Probably." Nico said. "You need to meet my mom."


"Ricky. It's really gonna shock you." Xander said. "Trust me."

"But isn't your mom like some psycho drunk lady?" Ricky asked.
Nico shushed him and ruffled his now almost blonde hair.

The blue dye was fading in both of their hair.

"I kinda want my dark brown hair back." Nico said.

"I get it." Ricky said.

Her and Xander sat on the couch.
Xander was rubbing circles on Nico's stomach.

"There's a baby in there." Xander said like a little kid.

"Yeah. There's a baby in there." Nico said with a smile.
Xander looked up at her and kissed her.
"I love you."

"I love you." Xander said.

Ricky sat down on the other side of her. Nico sat on his lap and laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her.
He noticed Xander's face so he looked back and pointed at Nico.
'All yours' he mouthed.

"I'm gonna go to the store to pick up some stuff." Xander said.

"Be careful." Nico said and sat up. Xander pecked her lips and grabbed her keys. She left the house.

"Look at us." Nico said talking to Ricky.

"We're so fucked up." He said.
She nodded and hugged him.

Next day

Ricky and Nico went to support group when Xander went to school.

"Ricky! Nico!"

"Hi." They said as they went inside.

They sat in their circle.

"How has everyone been doing?"

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