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Nico and Xander walked through the crowded city streets.

"Where are we going?" Xander asked.

"Don't talk." Nico said and she dragged her to a staircase.

"What's down there?"

"A life experience. And I remember telling you not to talk."

"You know I don't li-"

"Shhhh." Nico said and pressed two fingers against her girlfriend's lips.
She took her down the stairs.
"Welcome to the subway station."
Xander's eyes were wide.
"Come on." Nico said and led her to a stopped train.

"Where are we going?" Xander asked.

"That's the fun part." Nico said. "I have no clue."
The two stepped on and sat down.

"I'm scared."

Nico kissed her and smiled. "That's just adrenaline. We're gonna be mole people."
Xander relaxed as Nico held her.

"You two make such a lovely couple." An older woman said to them.

"Thank you." Nico said.

"Thanks." Xander said.

"You need a seat?" Nico asked.

"No no. I'm fine." She said.

"Come on. I insist." Nico said and stood her and Xander up.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Nico said.

"You're so sweet."Xander whispered.
Nico smiled and led her to the back of the train.
She sat down and Xander sat next to her.
"I can't believe that you got me onto this adventure of the unknown."

"It was in the resume." Nico said with a smile. "You didn't read my file?"
Xander smiled back.

"Excuse me." A woman who seemed a little older than the couple said.

"Hi?" Nico and xander said.

"Are you Nicole Anderson?"

"Who's asking?" Nico said with a raised eyebrow.

"Nicky. It's me. Carson."

"Uh. Hey Carson? I'm not completely sure if we've ever met." Nico said.

"Nicky. You're my daughter." Carson said.
The train stopped.

"Uh. I'm not sure how that's completely possible Carson. Nice talking to you. Let's go babe." Nico said and grabbed Xander's hand.
The couple ran off.

"Don't you wanna see what that's about?" Xander said.

"Nope. Adventure is out there!" Nico yelled and the two ran into town.

"Where are we?" Xander asked.

"We are in claymore valley. It's a small town where everybody knows everybody. People don't really acknowledge it but. It's great." Nico said.

"How do you know?"

"Babe. I've been everywhere. You really think that I'd be homeschooled all day and not venture into the world? " Nico said with a smile.

"Fair point." Xander said.

"You wanna go see what that Carson chick is about don't you?" Nico asked.

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