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Nico and Ricky continued until they got bored.
Nico sighed.

"What do you wanna do now?" Ricky asked her.

(A/n slight trigger warning.)

"I have to go to the bathroom." Nico said. She stood up and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door and looked at her collection and thought she needed more. So she added on and spread it to her stomach.

Ricky knocked on the door.

"Nico? You good in there?"

"Yeah. I'm good." She said as she finished up her 'masterpiece'.
She pulled out her vape and started smoking.
She opened the door and blew smoke in her best friends' face.

"Should I try to dress nice?" She asked him.

"You do dress nice but like try to look nice but comfortable. But not tacky." He said.
Nico nodded.

"I'm going to my house to get clothes and shit. You wanna ride?"

"I'm in." Ricky said.
Nico stopped smoking and picked up Alister. She kissed his head. He licked her face and Nico set him down.

"Let's go." She said as she grabbed her keys and walked out of the house.
She handed Ricky a helmet and she put on her own.
"Hold on tight." She said. Ricky held onto her waist as they started moving.

The two drove to Nico's house. They got off of her motorcycle and walked up to the door.
Nico checked and saw that her mom had returned her car.
She unlocked the door and screamed.

"PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON!" Nico yelled. Ricky gagged.
Her father pulled up his underwear and put his shirt back on.
Ricky covered the younger girls' eyes and shut his own.

"Turn it off!" She screamed at him. Reg ran around and turned off the tv.
Ricky opened one eye and lowered his hands from Nico's eyes.

"I didn't think you'd be home."

"I was at Ricky's and the main dude is on some church retreat for two weeks." Nico couldn't look at her father.

"Oh." Her dad said. "I'm sorry for that."
Nico walked past him and Ricky followed.
Nico walked to her closet and pulled out a short sleeve navy blue v neck with a black pocket. She found black skinny jeans and dark blue combat boots.

"What do you think?" She asked her best friend. He smiled.

"You have quite the eye for fashion." Ricky said. "Well done."

"Thanks ranger." Nico said. "So i apologize for what you saw down there. My father is quite the creep."

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay?"

" I'm scarred for life." Nico said and shivered in discomfort. "That's never gonna leave my head." She looked disgusted. Ricky pulled her into a small hug. She hugged him back.

The two walked downstairs with a giant bag. They walked right into the kitchen and started raiding it.

"What're you doing?" Her dad asked them.

"So you see. I have purchased almost everything in this kitchen. Therefore it's my food. And you owe me money. For eating said food. I want an envelope with the money in it,in my room by Sunday."

"That's ridiculous." Her father said. Nico looked at Ricky and they both smirked at each other.



"He said that this was ridiculous." She said.
Ricky chuckled as Nico pulled out months worth of receipts from various places and slammed them in front of her father.
"That is everything I've bought for you since Jack's funeral. You're in accounting. Add that up and pay me my money and I'm dead serious."
Her father was dumbfounded.
"Receipts are money baby."

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