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--- 4 months later---

Liam POV (as shown above in photo)

It was around 11am Swedish time. I had woken up to a text from Markus our drummer. Corro, Izzy myself and my friend Arvid have started a band called Deadlocked recently, releasing our first single "Medicated" it hit with a bang. Huge impact. We are due to live stream today in an old warehouse where we are filming our new music video. I was pumped. I rang corro and he answered before I hung up after many rings.

"h-hello?" he asked half asleep. I heard him moan and yawn. "hey uh Corro you might want to get up brother. Its 11 in the morning." I heard him gasp and stretch "w-what?! 11 holy shit. Thank you Liam, I'll get Izzy up and well meet you at the station soon" I agreed and hung up texting Arvid telling him the plans. Got an immediate reply and chuckled, that kid was always the one to wake early of all us.

I got my shower and got dressed, was really hyper for this day but I had a lingering pain... A lingering feeling that something was gonna go horribly wrong today. I couldn't deal with it though... I shoved it down away from myself bottling it up inside. I had to focus, I just had to. Taking a deep breath, I looked in the mirror at my hair. It was wet, slightly matted to my head. I viciously shook my head water getting all over. I wiped off the droplets from the mirror and laughed when I looked at my bed. I had forgotten that my Chihuahua was laying there asleep prior to me doing this. Now he was wide awake and had water on his head with an annoyed expression. I went over and gently dried his head apologizing through laughs. He gave me kisses and fell back asleep. Tucking the little guy in I left for the station.

--20 minutes later--

I was sitting on the bench with Arvid who had jumped on my back when we were about half way to the station. I was about to text Izzy asking where they were when I heard Izzy echoing through the hall of the station. All together now to meet Mark at the warehouse.

My phone buzzed and when I looked it was snapchat. I opened my phone and saw it was our friend Alicia from the U.S., I sighed and opened to see this gorgeous girl with long blonde hair and stunning brown eyes. I felt my heart leap in my chest. I replied with "wow... Ali who is she? She's beautiful!" She replied back with a few screenshots of their conversation and I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. I had to lower my head so my hair hid my face. In the screenshots this stunning lady was talking about how much she found me attractive and how much she had a crush on me. I was surprised but not in a bad way. I smiled and replied "she single? Or is this just a tease haha?" Ali replied with a smile emoji and a wink and said yes. Heart beating faster now I could feel myself begin to grow. I quickly had to divert myself to think of something....anything to turn me off..... It was to late tho and Arvid leaned over and asked "hey man what's with your pants?" the noise I made was not manly and i pulled my hood up over my head in embarrassment. Sending her a dark photo with the caption "thanks Ali I didn't need to be turned on" I sent and locked my phone.

Within the next 10 minutes we were on the train and my phone buzzed again. I jumped slightly forgetting it was in my pocket closest to... That area. I groaned and unlocked it. A snap from Ali and a new person had added me. Heart skipping some beats I opened the app. The sunning girl had added me. I was hesitant to add her back but decided to be brave and give her a chance. Then I messaged Ali "thanks for giving my snap"

She opened a minute later and what I saw made me suck in a breath. It was photos of this beautiful girl yet again. Her name is Stazzie and wow.... Just wow is she ever gorgeous.

Locking my phone once again this time setting it on the seat beside me with my headphones in listening to the new song by Kerbera I leaned my head against the window. Watching the trees and water pass as we went along the tracks. Phone buzzing again I ignored it then it buzzed 3 more times. I looked and it was Stazzie. I froze. Thank god the guys were paying no attention to me right now or they would know that I had a hard on. I timidly opened and the snap she sent me I just stared. Such beauty such feminism... Yet such tomboy. She was perfect. When the photos had played through I seen a chat. Blushing I looked. "hi Liam... I'm S-Stazzie. I'm Alicia's friend from Australia"

Australian... Damn no wonder why she's a knock out.. Mm damn! I wonder how her gag reflex is... I thought to myself. Shaking my head slightly to release that thought I sent her a snap. "hello dear. Nice to meet you ;)" clicking send with the selfie I sat there pondering if the wink was too much. Her reply was the cutest. The more I talked to this girl the more I felt happier. The more turned on I got... Soon Arvid noticed it throbbing. Tapping me on the shoulder scaring me he leaned in. "dude... You better take care of.....your problem" he whispered motioning to my crotch. I sighed and looked at him looking completely beat... I leaned to him and whispered "dude I ... I know but I can't necessarily jerk of right here... On the train" Arvid looked down and shook his head chuckling them whispered "dude I know... Hey meet me in the bathroom I'll help you with it" my eyes widened but I knew it was the best solution at this moment so I agreed.

Getting up and going in I waited a few minutes then got up too. Tap tap...tap tap tap I knocked on the door he opened and I slid in. I was nervous as all hell but with how horny I was I couldn't just leave it. I looked down at Arvid who was unhooking my jeans and was about to get my cock out. He looked up at me and said "Liam relax bro... No homo just a bro helping out a bro. Imagine I'm Yoje .... Or maybe that girl you were talking to" eyes widening mouth slightly agape. Was about to ask how he knew but he took me in his mouth and all words were lost. After around 10m I came he smiled and spit my cum into the toilet and washed his face and mouth in the sink. "better bro?" He asked when he turned around. "haha much man thanx" he hugged me and left. I pissed washed and left going to the food cart to grab chips so it didn't look too suspicious. Sitting down on the bench with Arvid again I put in my ear buds and ate the chips. Drinking the Pepsi I brought with me throwing them away we came to our stop. Grabbing my bag and waking Izzy and Corro who had fallen asleep sometime along the way and we left. Getting off we met up with Markus and headed to the warehouse. Once there he went to get pizza and booze.

While we waited we streamed.

Ali was on the stream and I tried to ignore her hidden teases but failed when I read Stazzie I blushed and moved from camera as Izzy got in front of it. Happy for the distance I looked out the window. We were in the middle of nowhere... Literally and I found if soothing haha.

We got our shit done streamed 4 more times and I went home with corro and Izzy.

Before sleeping on his couch I took a shower posting a snap of myself in there. I tried not to moan as the hot water washed over me but it felt so good haha. "oh-ah-ahh this feels amazing" i said was i pulled my air down over my neck slightly seductive knowing that it will not only turn on Ali but hoping it will Stazzie as well. After the shower i immediately crashed. Into a deep deep sleep where my dreams danced with images of this stunning girl who i met today.

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