Chapter: One

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Hi my name is Izzy Von Scarecrow, I am 19 and about 6'3 in height and 120 lbs. I sing, play drums and bass guitar. I am a instant gamer kinda guy with a quirky attitude. I love to joke around and have a good time with my friends.

I was walking home from band practice one day listening to the demo we just recorded. I was pretty stoked about releasing this one, IT WAS THE TITS! I rounded the corner near my street and noticed that my street as blocked off. I stopped and looked further down my street and noticed that there was fire trucks and all those vehicles at the end of the street. I was gonna go up to the officer and ask what had happened but I saw my house smoldering and I freaked out and fainted.

I slightly came to and felt myself being held by strong arms but was too weak to open my eyes or even move. This person lifted me up and carried me as the officer asked what had happened.

Officer- "Is everything okay here, what happened?"

Corro- "He is fine officer, he just fainted is all"

Officer- "Okay well as long as it's nothing serious. Hey do you know the kid?"

I rolled my eyes as I scoffed on the inside... kid what the hell man jeez?

Corro- "Yes I am a long time friend of Izzy here and I came to see how he was doing...but that's his house. I guess when he saw his home in flames he fainted. Good thing I was here to catch him."

Officer- "His house hmm? Well that is no good... Does he have anywhere else to stay? Because... if not he will have to go into a foster home or shelter."

I guess Corro felt me shutter and twitch because he quickly spoke up and told the officer that I could stay with him as long as I wanted, that he had moved back into the neighborhood long term. I sighed as Corro lifted me up more and began walking in the opposite  direction.

"You know Iz, you are a good actor my friend."

I chuckled and hugged him closer. "Thanks mate, I'm so happy you came to my rescue... I dont know what the hell I would have done Corro"

Corro stopped and set me down on a bench and sat beside me and looked at me. "You know Iz, You are always welcome in my home, you are the best friend a guy could ask for and I will always be here for you buddy."

I smiled and cuddled into Corro more and looked up at him and gently kissed his cheek. "I can always count on my first love and the guy who still has my heart to be my knight in shinning armor."

Me saying this made Corro blush bright pink and I giggled at how cute it was. Corro Smiled at me with his green eyes sparkling and he leaned in and pecked my lips ever so gently.

"One can not simply stop loving someone like you Izzy. You are the best."

Just then a bus came and we got on it on our way to Corro's home which will be my new home...hopefully forever.

Love Actually (Cozzy Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang