Chapter: Three

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I had noticed that he had zoned out as he use to so I picked him up and carried him inside to the living room. I gently set Iz down on my sofa and sat beside him. I was looking over my former lover and I felt deep within me that he still loved me like i still secretly loved him.  I know that this love is real  for the both of us but there is a big roadblock... Loving the same gender is FORBIDDEN here and my mother Catarina would not be pleased if she found out I was gay and dating my best friend. 

I sighed and got up not noticing that Izzy was looking at me concerned, obviously catching on that I was sad.  Izzy grabbed my hand and looked at me sad, and I looked down at him and faked a smile but he knew better than that. "Corro what is wrong?" I felt my tears welling up and I couldn't talk for fear that I would cry in front of the man who I still love with all my heart. At that thought I lost control and the tears fell.  Izzy noticed and gently pulled me down onto his lap, I laid my head on his shoulder. Izzy was rubbing my back and gently rocking trying to calm me down, but it was honestly not helping. I pulled away  but failed to get away because Izzy was stronger than  remember him being.

I gave up fighting and just cried into his shoulder. His clothes were already wet anyway, maybe he won't feel my tears soaking his shirt. Laying in Izzy's arms I felt whole, better than I have ever felt.  He held me close and was humming a song I recognized immediately as "Something to believe in" by the american artist Danny Blu. I smiled knowing that he still remembered that song and I soon calmed down. I sighed out the last of my tears and snuggled into Izzy. Izzy laid down and pulled me with him and I did not care, I was in his arms again nothing else matters. 

I was listening to Izzy's heartbeat as he played with my hair in silence when my phone went off startling us both. I looked down and it was my mothers Caller ID. "Shit!" 

Izzy sat up and looked at me confused. ""Hey, Corro what's the matter dude?"  I was by now pacing the room, my fingers through my messy hair. "My mom doesn't approve of 'gay' relations and I am supposed to babysit my 15 year old  sister Ava Rose for a week while mom and dad go overseas on a vacation. From what i don't know but yea....  and with you here and how sexually driven I am... with how you still make me feel Izzy... This is not going to plan out good!" I stopped pacing and sunk into the chair, my face in my hands sighing in frustration.  Izzy got up and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulder. "Is that why you broke up with me a couple years ago.... your mother?" 

I nodded, crying silently. Izzy squatted down and took my wet hands in his and kissed them. He looked up at me and  wiped my tears with his thumbs, slowly leaning in to kiss me. I closed the space between us, gently kissing Izzy's soft lips. Our lips moved in perfect sync, a perfect fit. My lips slightly more plump than his. I missed this... I missed this man.... I missed my Izzy bear. 

When we pulled apart I rested my head on his and looked into his eyes. I didn't wan't Izzy to ever leave me again. He is my love... my life. If people do not like that I Corro am in love with Izzy, than they can simply suck my fuck. 

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