Chapter 2

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Asher woke up and got ready for school. When he went downstairs everyone had already eaten breakfast, He grabbed a piece of toast and headed out the door, he hopped in his car and drove to school. When he arrives at school he is greeted by Katie. He walks her to her first class every day and arrives late to his. He was never one on being on time. Asher loved school, but he hated getting up early. But today was different, he rushed Katie to her class so he could arrive to his class on time, he was even early. He walked into the doorway of the classroom and looked around. He saw a few scattered people in seats, then he saw Amorea sitting all alone in the middle of the room. Light from the window was shining on her beautiful light brown hair. He smiled. He walked over to her and sat beside her. When Amorea saw asher walking over she kept her head down at her paper, she wasn't really sure how to handle the situation.

"Hello!" Asher said to Amorea smiling.

"Hi," Amorea said smiling back.

"We have to talk," Asher said. Amorea just nodded. "How about at Al's?" Amorea looked down at her paper, smiled, and nodded. "Great!" Asher said.


The last bell of the day rang, and Amorea walked out of class with a bit of pep in her step. Asher was walking toward her, and he was smiling. Then Katie stops him in the middle of the hall. Amorea watched them, it looked like they were having a little argument. Asher looks up at Amorea, and they walk over to her.

"Okay lets go." Amorea awkwardly nods her head and follows, holding on to her book tightly to her chest.

They all get in Asher's car, Amorea forced to sit in the back.

"Do you have to bring her home? Can't you just come to my house?" Katie wined looking at Asher as he got in the car.

"Yes I have to bring her home, I talked to her mother," Asher said speeding out of the school parking lot. Amorea looked at the two confused, she thought that Asher was taking her to Al's diner, but Katie was the jealous type so Asher was always careful what he said or did around her.

Asher stopped in front of Katie's house and got out with her. "I'll be right back." He pointed to Amorea. She sat there watching the two on Katie's doorstep. She looked at how cute they were. Asher was undoubtedly saying "goodbye" and "I'll call you." and she would be saying "I love you, Asher.". He kissed her and started heading back to the car as Katie went inside. Asher got in and looked at Amorea. "You can get in the front now." Amorea gets out and hops in the front seat.

Their ride to Al's Dinner was quiet, neither one of them knowing what to say. When they arrived Asher chose his favorite booth. Two sit in awkward silence until the waitress came and took their order. Asher ordered a chocolate milkshake and Amorea ordered a peanut butter milkshake. Once she left Asher cleared his throat and started to talk, "So... How have you been?"

"I've been good. you?"

"Oh uh, I've been good." Asher looked down at the table. They stayed silent for a moment, all there was, was the chatter of the dinner.

"So you wanted to talk?" Amorea bravely says.

"Yea... so you read my letter?"

"Yes, I know you read mine, but it was never meant for you to rea-" Amorea tries justifying, but Asher interrupts her.

"I know... I shouldn't have read it, but I did... and I know you still care." Asher looked Amorea, she tucked her hair behind her ear. "You know, I meant everything I said right? None of it was your fault. Like you said you just weren't ready, and that's perfectly okay." Amorea smiled sweetly, as Asher continued. "And like I said, I would never deny that I still care about you, but I don't think I care about you like that..." He paused. "I think I'm in love with Katie." Asher had just said that for the first time, and it wasn't even to Katie. Amorea's heart dropped, she felt tears rising up, so she looked down at her feet to avoid eye contact.


"No, its okay, I get it."

"Here you go, Hun." The waitress says, handing Amorea the chocolate milkshake and Asher the peanut butter one, then walks back to the kitchen. Amorea giggles, Asher chuckled and they switch. "So you still love the peanut butter milkshake?"

"Yup." Amorea smiles slightly.

They make a bit of small talk while finishing their milkshake, then Asher drove Amorea home. They pulled in to her driveway. Amorea sat there not know whether she should get out. "Well, I should be getting inside."

"Okay," Asher said quietly. Amorea got out. "Hey, Amorea."


"I'll see you tomorrow," Asher said smiling.

"See you tomorrow." She smiled and went inside.


Over the course of the next few days, Asher and Amorea didn't really see each other. In fact, Asher even started hanging out with Katie more than before. Amorea didn't really do much other than work on her music. Then the two families decided to take a trip into the city together and stay in a hotel for 3 nights, Missing a Friday and Monday of school. Both Asher and Amorea's fathers worked for the same company, and the company just made a huge deal resulting in bonus checks for everyone. Their boss invited them and their families to come to the business meeting. Asher invited Katie but she wasn't able to come because she had a cheerleading completion.

When they arrived Amorea jumped out of the car and look up at the tall hotel. It was the most beautiful building she had ever seen. She squealed and ran up to her father. This would be her first time in a five-star hotel. Asher chuckled at Amorea, this was not his first five-star hotel. When they walked in the hotel there was a beautiful fountain and then a desk with a woman ready for to check people into their rooms. The three boy were in one room, Amorea and her litter sister were in another, and the parents go to their own rooms.

Amorea walks into her room and immediately jumped on the bed! It was the softest bed she had ever laid on. She laid there face down for a few seconds until she heard a deep chuckle. She got up to Asher standing in the doorway. 

"Nice bed huh?" 

"Yeah..." Amorea's face turned bright red 

"Well we are all going to the pool... you wanna come?"

"Sure! I'll be right down!" Asher left and Amorea got her bathing suit out of her bag and put it on. It was black with white polka-dots! Amorea love it so much. She walks down to the pool area. When she opened the gate she looked at Asher and noticed he was staring at her, she smiled and look down at the ground as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Asher couldn't help but stare.

 Amorea tipped a toe in the pool and shivered. All of the sudden Amorea was submerged in freezing water. Luke had snuck up behind her and pushed her in. Amorea started whaling around, until she felt warm arms holding her, trying to calm her down. She looks to see Asher there.

"Cold isn't it?"

"Yeah." Amorea shivered. At this point, Luke and Charles are rolling on the floor laughing.

"Oh, will you two grow up," Asher said. "It gets warmer don't worry." He smiles and swims away. Amorea instantly feels colder. Charles jumps in splashing Amorea, then Luke follows. Amorea's mother comes up to the gate.

"Time to get ready for supper! We are going to the new restaurant, Nite Owl's, So dress nice!"


Amorea was the last one to come down the stairs. She came down and everyone turned around and watched her come down the stairs. Her eyes meet with Asher's as his smile grew bigger. Her dress was black and gold, it sparkled perfectly in the light. He makeup had been done perfectly with red lips and all.

"Amorea, dear you look beautiful." Amorea's father says proudly.

"Thank you, daddy." Amorea's dad holds his arm out and she locks her arm with his as they walk out to the car. Asher walked slowly behind everyone, he was admiring Amorea's beautiful curly brown hair, he couldn't help but just smile like an idiot.


AHHHHH Its here!! Sorry, it's kind of short! I hope you enjoy it!!

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