Chapter 4

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I walked out of the airport, along with my suitcase behind me. I was looking and searching for the familiar car I knew. Eventually I saw it, I ran towards it excited to see her again. Valerie came out of her jeep with a wide grin on her face, once I got to her car we hugged each other.

"Hi! I haven't seen you in ages! How was London?" Valerie asked me.

"It's was really good, and fun. I made a few friends, I even met a guy there." I told her, but my voice faded towards the end. Her eyes widened and her grin grew.

"You met a guy? Really? Aw that's fantastic Kristina, you haven't been out since him." She replied to me, with a ecstatic eyes.

"Well, neither have you since you know who." I confessed, but all she did was roll her eyes.

"So, tell me how you guys met!" She urged once we were inside her jeep, she put the keys into the ignition and started the car.

"We met in very peculiar circumstances." I chuckled nervously. She looked at me shortly with urging eyes. Then she turned her eyes back towards the road.

Anonymous P.O.V

I looked at them. He looked so happy, why was he happy? Especially with a girl like that? I mean I love him and all, but he doesn't smile like that whenever he is with me. Is there a problem with me? Am I not good enough?

Once he left, I stood up and left my table. She was still there, I walked past her, as I did I gave her a little nudge. Which caused her to slightly spill her coffee, but when I looked back I saw that I had nudged the wrong person. There was coffee all over her white office top. I quickly ran out of there, to be honest it's quite hard to run in 4 inch heels, especially if you're wearing a chiffon skirt along with it! I sighed and went back home, well my temporary home. I'm just visiting, I'm going back to the states tomorrow, so I have to start packing. I turned around and looked at Ross talking to Rydel, Riker, Rocky, And Ratliff. He had a smile on his face, that reached his ears, I sighed and frowned. Why didn't I make him that happy?

Valerie's P.O.V
3 years ago

Kristina urged me into and towards the club. I cringed as I could hear the music blasting from inside the club, even when I was outside.

"Kristina, can we please not?" I pleaded her. But her grip just tightened. "K, please. We're only 16, we aren't legally allowed yet to go into a club!" Her words were slurred so I couldn't hear a thing, she then let go of my hand and went into herself. I looked at my wrist that she held onto, it had a red mark on it. I sighed, I then left the shady area of town and went to a bookstore that I always visit. I was looking around when I suddenly bumped into a stack of books, before the books could fall on top of me a hand reached out and pulled me out. We both fell to the floor.

I rubbed my head and looked to the person who saved me from getting hurt. It was a boy about the same age as me maybe a year older.

"Are you alright?"

• Who knew love could turn out to be hell as well as heaven? •

A/N Hey there! Sorry for the super late updates! I'm just busy and kinda don't have an inspiration. So yeah there was Valerie's POV how was it for he first? Who is that Anonymous person? Anyways byeeeee | 10:37 pm

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