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"Ariana! Harry's here!" Lou shouts from downstairs.

I check one last time in the mirror. I have been debating what to wear for the past hour. Which is strange, because we are getting together to babysit, not meet the queen. I am wearing flannel pajama pants, and a giant hoodie. I convince myself i look fine, and half run, half trip down the stairs.

I'm actually pretty relieved when I see Harry standing there in sweatpants, and a t-shirt. It makes me feel a bit more presentable.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hello." Harry grins back, raising the bag that's in his hand. "I brought cookies."

I raise my eyebrows. "Awe Harry bought us cookies." I grin dumbly.

"Actually I made them, thank you." He laughs.

Lou doesn't even have to explain the rules to us. I'm used to watching Lux, and I get the sense Harry is too.

Thirty minutes later, She's out the door and on her way to her little 'girls reunion'. Which I think is just another way to say getting drunk at a club with some friends.

Harry, Lux and I are squished up at the tiny table in the family room, her little tea set on the table. It's quite funny actually, how Harry's legs are bent completley. He has to place them to the side, because they dont fit underneath the small wooden desk.

We're sipping tea with our pinky's pointed out, and taking in posh accents. Lux laughs whenever i take on a british accent, apparently I sound like i'm "talking with a mouth full of marbles". Thats how Harry put it. So i gave up, and left the talking to Harry. Whatever he says Lux giggles at. No diffrent from any other girl, really.

I find that I'm glaring at Harry, when he turns, "If looks could kill..." The side of his mouth twitches into an amused smile. He knows I'm fending off jealousy.

"Sorry." I mumble. I advert my gaze from Harry, and set it on a trunk across the room.

A knowing smile creeps across my lips, and I push out from the table, gliding across the room to it.

I flick open the lid, and run my hands down the side, satisfaction sweeping over me.

Pink dresses, sparkley eye-glasses, fluffy capes, sashes, and scarves lay piled to the brim, like treasure in a treasure box.

I blindly scoop up some princess items, and return to the table. Harry's eyes are wary, and I love it.

"Lux," I muster in a sweet voice. "Don't you think Harry wants to play dress up?"

Lux gasps, and nods her head furiously. She waddles over to me, and takes a some things, draping them over Harry. She wraps a purple boa around his neck, like a coil pot, and a pink tiara, that pushes the curls back from his forehead. He whimpers.

Eventually, the finish product literally makes me pee my pants, and I pull out my phone to snap a picture. Harry's face is pained and he tries to smile for Lux's benefit, but fails miserabley.

"Just like your mommy Lux! Gorgeous!" I chant.

Lux giggles and tells Harry he looks like a disney princess, which earns another forced smile, and a sigh.

Lux loses intrest, and wanders off to the next room over, Leaving both Harry, and I red-faced behind. Him, from embarassment, and me from laughing so hard.


He's a snorer.

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