Benefits of the Benefit

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The crowd started arriving soon after I was changed. Lou had slipped into a leather dress, and the boys were on the small, thrown together stage. 

The room filled up quickly. Everyone that showed up seemed more extravagnt and important then the next. I decided not to take a seat at one of the small circle tables scattered around the grand room. Instead, I found a spot near the door where I could lean against the wall, and try to be as invisible as possible. My mood had suddenly taken a huge drop when some of the women started to arrive. Their dresses all fit their skinny hips, and they were all stick thin.

Not exactly the crowd you would envision to attend a One Direction "concert".

About ten minutes later, when most people of the benefit each held a glass of champagne in one hand, the boys entered.

The crowd silenced almost instantly.

"Hi, I'm Harry,"

"I'm Niall,"

"I'm Liam,"

"I'm Zayn,"

"And I'm Harry," 

I let out a mix between a snort, and a squeal at Louis's claim that his name was Harry, attracting quite a few eyes.

"And we're One Direction!"

The boys continued, and introduced a song called moments. 

By the end of the song, I was in a trance. Wow. They were good. 

You know how you can here some artists on the radio, and you think, autotune, autotune, autotune?

Yep. Not these guys. 

Next they sang a song called Little Things. 

I don't even have any words right now. Sorry.

They bid farewell to the crowd, and made a few tacky comments, as well as the usual thanks, before piling off the stage.

The lights came back up, and so did the volume. 

I shifted in my spot. Was this really going to be all I did for the next two hours?

"Ariana!" I looked over to see Zayn making his way over. 

"Hi. Um...good job." I responded, feeling pretty inferior compared to him now.

Zayn smiled with one side of his mouth. "C'mon."

He grabbed my arm, and pulled me through the crowd, stopping to accept a compliment ever so often.

He led me over to a table marked "V.I.P.".

"Woah there. V.I.P huh?" I laughed.

"Yup. Feeling special aren't you." Zayn laughed.

"We'll see..." I followed him around one side of the table to where the rest of the boys were. All of them had changed into their tux's. 

I recieved a chorus of  "Hey Ariana's".

"Hi." I spoke. This is awkward. Niall motioned to an empty chair next to him and Harry. He pulled it back for me. I thanked him, and sat.

"So, whad'ya think?" Liam questioned me.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. " I nodded. 

Harry clapped his hands together in accomplishment. He sat to the other side of me.

"I told you. I told you we were good!" 

I just rose my eyebrows, and looked around for something, anything to talk about.

"Hey Harry?" 


"No not you Harry." I pointed past him to Louis. "You Harry."

"Oh!" Louis laughed to himself, then looked up at me. "You liked that?"

"I found it amusing." I shrugged.

"Well, management told us to be serious."

"So you did that?" I snorted.

"Pretty much, yeah. I'll probably be dead by tomorrow." This made me laugh. 

"Tough crowd huh?" 

"Yeah." Harry interjected. "We're surronded by them.

"Bland people, he means." Zayn spoke.

"Why are they all so...serious. No offence." I asked them.

"Dunno." Niall added in.

"All of them are like that, aren't they." Louis decided.

"Yes, it seems like it." I agreed.

"We don't let it stop us though." Harry claimed. 

"Stop you what?" I questioned him.

"From having a good time." Louis proposed."I mean, we do this because we love it."

"Whats the point in doing it if you don't enjoy it right?" Zayn proposed. 


We chatted a lot about management that night. I got more comfortable as the night drew on. Maybe I did need a friend.

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