I Can be a Schoolgirl Too

366 19 16


First period. Math.

I think the lady who was helping me, who I soon learned was the Vice Principal, Mrs. Donahue must have looked at my records. Because when she came back, it looked like her happiness had drained from ten, to zero.

Either way, she walked atleast five paces ahead of me in the hallway, like we were in a big rush.

At my old school, I guess math was my best subject, so I didn't mind it. However, my stomach was knotted, and my palms were sweating like crazy. I wiped them on my jeans.

She showed me my locker. Someone had written 'I Love Cole' across the front. 

We passed a few more classroms, until we stopped at one numbered two-sixteen.

Mrs. Donahue opened the door a crack and suck her head in, calling the teacher out in the hall.

I glanced at my new schedule I was given. Mrs. Capalin, was her name.

The teacher appeared through the door moments later, and he was a six foot man, with stubble on his chin. He had short brown hair, and crystal blue eyes. Probably like thirty, I estimated.

I looked at my schedule again, and noticed it didn't say Mrs. Capalin, it said Mr. Capalin.

"This, is Ariana Grande." Donahue introduced.

"Lovely to meet you, Ariana." His accent suddenly sounded like a foreign language to me, so I just nodded and looked at my feet.

The two staff members sorted out some stuff for a little while, and I noticed kids in the room cranning to see what was going on outside of the small window in the door.

Mrs. Donahue left, and it was just me and Capalin in the hallway again.

"Ok Ariana, I would love to get to know a bit about you, but I have a class to teach, so we'll see what we can do." He nodded, and then turned, signaling for me to follow him into the class.

As soon as I entere, the chatter faded, and I felt eyes burning into me. Seizing me up. Probably judging me. Thats what most kids do anyways.

I felt really awkward, too, because my teacher just stood there like he was another student. Finally he cleared his throat, and said, "Guys, this is Ariana. She will be joining our class as of today. Play nice."

What did he think I was? A dog toy? Play nice? 

"Ariana, would you care to tell us a little about yourself?" He continued.

I hesitated, and stood there, probably looking dumb, and out of place. Not one face in the classroom looked kind, but they all looked really intrested.

Then I remembered, they don't know me. 

They don't know my story, or my problems, they don't know my friends, or my learning ability, or my family, or why I was joining their class so late in the year, heck, they didn't even know my last name. This was my chance to re-invent myself. I could be who I wanted, and no one would know the diffrence. So, I  decided to be the polar opposite of my usual self,  despite the sweat forming on my forehead.

"Hi. I'm Ariana. I'm from California, I like to shop, and sing, and hang out with my friends. But I can't anymore, because, well, I moved. So yeah." I exclaimed.

So it wasn't lying, but it wasn't telling the truth either. I didn't have many friends. I barely had enough money to go shopping when I wanted, and I havent actually sang for an etirnity. But,  I wanted to be the type of new girl that would come in, and have all the boys drooling, and all the girls gossiping. I could do this.

"Very well, have a seat over there next to Liz."

I followed his gesture, and took a seat in the chair next to a blonde girl I assumed was Liz. 

She waved politley, and I smiled. If I was going to be popular, I was going to have to be nice.

I turned my attention back to the board. Mr. Capalin told me to just pay attention for today. I didn't have to do any work, which, by the way was totally okay with me.

So I just sat, and looked around the room. None of the kids looked as different as I expected them to. I guess when you change schools you prepare yourself for the worst. Truth is, all these kids were just... normal kids. Nothing really diffrent about them.

Lunch came around eventually. I haven't gotten a chance to really speak to anyone yet. Between locker visits, I would just receive curious stares. Now was my chance to "mingle". My heart was pounding. This was my first impression I was going to make on the entire grade.

All of the seats seemed to be filled at the tables when I walked in. I had my Vera Bradley lunchbox in my hand. I peered around the lunchroom in search of an open spot. 

I saw Colton from the office, and he waved his arms around in the air. I just turned, and acted like I didn't see him.

I sat down at a table with a few girls, and when I did, they fled. Okay, ouch.

I decided to stay, and eat by myself. 

Sometimes during lunch, I would look up, and I could see a few heads turn around like they had been staring at me. 

I popped a grape into my mouth. When I did, a girl set her lunch tray down across from me. Four more people followed her, and sat down across from me. I recognized the one girl as Liz from math class.

"We thought you could use some company." Liz spoke.

I chewed my grape.

"This is Trent, Brandon, and Bella." Liz explained to me, pointing to the two guys and girl next to her. 

I immediatley felt self consious, because the girl, Bella, was super pretty, and the two guys were better looking then all of the guys in my old school combined.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Bella smiled.

I returned with a forced smile,"Thanks you too."

Then I said, "Look, you don't have to sit here. I know I'm the new girl but really I'm fine."

"Yeah too bad." Liz singsonged.

Brandon, Trent, and Bella giggled at Liz's comment. 

I smiled and looked at my lap.

"And you are?" Trent asked. I looked up into his eyes.

Wow. He was gorgeous. Just saying. Look at those eyes! And his arms. Oh my lord.

"So..." He asked. 

I realized I had been staring and blush invaded my cheeks.

"Ariana. Ariana is my name."

"So why'd you move here?" Brandon asked.

"I... How do you know I'm not from here. I might just be homeschooled." I laughed, trying to avoid the    question.

"You're accent." Bella stated.

I giggled. "You guys have the accent. Not me."

They laughed, but they didn't ask me about why I moved again. Thank goodness.

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