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Third Person POV

It has been five very boring days since the Seventy-two Annual Hunger Games started. To start, the bloodbath was a complete failure and disappointment, it wasn't even a bloodbath. Only three tributes died and it wasn't even that exciting, about half of the tributes left the Cornucopia with only some injures that are healing or already healed.

Two members of the Careers, Divya and Kellen Astow, and Maisha from District 11, were the only ones who succeeded in killing three other tributes, Luciana, Jett and Alec. That was a complete disappointment.

The next day the tributes from District 11, Zane and Maisha, ambushed a little boy compared to them, Zane held him while Maisha did all the work, slashing his throat open. The boy from 8 didn't stand a chance against her, he bled to death in only a matter of minutes.

Then nothing happened for a big while. Some tributes had arguments and almost started a fight, especially in the girls' alliance consisting of four girls now, but nothing happened at the end. Another kind of excitement thing was witnessing Rhiane, the redhead girl from District 6, being attacked by mutt squirrels but she lived.

"Quite interesting what happened last night, don't you think Claudius?" Caesar asks.

If nothing interesting is happening, Caesar and Claudius or sometimes a guest, comment what has happened the day before, they also appear throughout the games to tell the audience some facts about the mutts or the location.

"Oh yeah, totally." Claudius says. "It was what was missing from this Hunger Games, a bit of action, of excitement and drama."

"And love too." Caesar says with a huge grin and he winks at the camera.

"Yeah, indeed. We all thought it was going to be the end for the little girl from District 2." Claudius says. "I'm sure the little chat she had with her tribute partner made most of the people cry, it was really touching."

"Everyone was so deep into that moment, it was really sad. And then we were all surprised by the devious girl from District 4, Divya Clearwater." Caesar says with a nervous laugh. "It was all a wonderful dramatic and suspense moment when she has Danieka Hadley in her grip and starts to harm her."

"Yeah and it all gets better when Kellen, the guy who admitted his love for her on the interview with you, arrives at the scene and actually saves her. I think it was a fantastic moment, I really hope to see more of them before one of them dies."

"I know I speak for everyone when I say that they should have a kiss or a more romantic moment between them."

"Oh of course, that will make these Games so much better. It won't be only about how these people kill each other and fight for their own survival but about something deeper than that, that brings suspense to the games and obviously the people want to see more of them, just as much as us."

Most of the people in the Capitol have gotten really excited about all this twist, they knew Kellen liked the girl, but no one imagine he loved her so much to spare her. They all want to see death and killings but some love just for a change every once in a while is just as good, or even better.

The mentors from the Careers, especially from District 1, are not so happy with Kellen about letting her go. Because it means they have to spend more time at the arena, it means they still have the same odds of winning, with one tribute dead, all of the remained tributes have more chances of winning.

Brutus was more than happy when he witnessed that moment, his only mentored tribute that has a chance to live has escaped alive from that situation. Lyme even ordered some drinks, they got really stressed, they thought both, Ryle and Danieka would die that day. So to relax a bit, Lyme ordered just a bit of wine, not enough to get drunk or anything.

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