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About six hours have passed since breakfast, it has been a really long and boring day. I have had nothing to do, I paced in my room for about an hour, I came out of my room again and tried to be social but that didn't work that well. I tried to watch some of the Capitol's top shows but they were really stupid and boring. After what felt like an eternity it was time for lunch.

We have finished lunch by now but no one has moved from its place at the table. The scores will be announced soon, in about twenty minutes or so. I try to remember that Finnick said scores aren't really important but I can't help feel a bit anxious and nervous about them. What if I am the worst? I know there is a boy that got a three and won the games, but still I want to have a decent score.

My score will be the fourth in being announced, the order they give the scores is girl, boy, boy, girl, girl, boy, boy, and so on. So the girl from District 1 will be the first, followed by her district partner and then Ryle and then me.

"Okay, everyone listen!" Enebry says, standing up from her place. "I think we should move to the living room, they will start any minute now."

The thirteen of us, including our prep teams and stylists moved to the living room, Ryle and I sit on the biggest couch, which is right in front of the screen, Carlyne sits next to me and Enerbry sits next to Ryle, poor him. Brutus, Lyme and Ryle's stylist, Kala, sit on the couch on my right, Viola sits on the arm of the couch next to Carlyne, Ryle's prep team sit on the other couch, it's even smaller than the one Brutus and the other two are on, so the three of them are quite tight in there. Trenk grabs a chair and puts it in the right corner of the room, right next to Carlyne and Viola. Polish has no choice but sit on the floor, in between me and Carlyne.

Enebry grabs the remote and turns the screen on, Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith are already there talking. They discuss some things about the tributes, what is expected for the Hunger Games this year and even talk about what the audience think the arena will be like this year.

"Well I think it's time to announce the scores." Caesar says, looking directly to the camera, in this time Claudius leaves and Caesar is left alone.

Caesar grabs a kind of card and looks at it, taking a big breath, I can actually feel the tension in the room. Ryle is fidgeting a lot next to me, which makes Enebry irritated, Carlyne is biting one of his nails of his left hand and all the others are also doing things like that.

"Tabietha Pevie, from District 1." Caesar says, her picture appears on the left side of the screen with the number of her district shown in her outfit. "A ten."

"That's quite high!" Lyme says as a number ten flashes in front of Tabietha's picture.

"Now the male tribute from District 1, Kellen Astow." Caesar says, looking at the card again. "A score of nine."

The number nine flashes in front of Kellen's picture, before disappearing completely and being replaced by Ryle's picture.

"Ryle Rosht, from District 2." Caesar says, looking at a second card, putting the first at the bottom. "He got a score of nine."

"What!?" Ryle shouts jumping from his seat. "A nine? There must be a mistake, I did amazing, I deserve at least a ten."

"Sit down, Ryle." Brutus says in a cold but calm voice.

"Now, the youngest tribute of this year, from District 2, Danieka Hadley." Caesar says.

Ryle sighs in frustration but sits down again, Enebry glares at him and whispers something to him when he is on the couch again. But I don't pay attention to it, I see my picture on the screen, that is what has my attention now. I have my blonde hair in a side braid, and it seems like I'm kind of smirking, with the left corner of my lips slightly up, making my dimple show a bit, I actually look pretty confident.

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now