I Miss You

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Harry, Ron and Hermione were now the best of friends. Normally, this should be a good thing, but now they were all keeping secrets from me. Hermione was obsessed with the idea of Snape trying to kill Harry and I.

I began to avoid Harry and Ron. Not because I hated them, but because they were stressing me out. Hermione was stressed, too, with exams and this secret, she was always ten minutes away from ripping her hair out.

But neither of those things were bothering me. It was the fact that Hermione was always distracted when we were together. We couldn't even study because she was too busy looking up other things that should be unimportant, but were relevant to her.

“Come on, Hermione,” I tried to contain my whining. We were at breakfast, attemtping to study, but she kept glancing worriedly at Snape. “Focus!”

She nodded quickly, squinting her eyes in determination. “Okay! I can do this...” She looked at me guiltily. “What was the question?”

“I repeated it three times!” I complained angrily.

She glanced at Snape again.

“Hermione! Stop it! You're acting like Ron,” I scowled.

Unable to help herself, Hermione glanced down the table to where the red-headed boy was sitting, stuffing his face with eggs. She wrinkled her nose. “Gross... but you're right, I am acting different... holy cricket, we're going to be late!” she gasped, glancing at her wristwatch.

I scooped up my parchment and quills, then we both made our way to the dungeons.

As we got there, the temperature went down, getting colder and colder. I could even see my breath in front of me, escaping my lips in little white mists. This was reasonable, since it was mid-December and almost Christmas.

Hermione and I linked arms and opened the door to Snape's class. We sat in our usual seats at the front because no matter how much we might despise Snape, we still wanted to learn.

Unfortunately, Draco Malfoy sat in the table next to us. “I do feel so sorry,” he said, in a loud, obnoxious voice, “for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home.” He glanced not-so-subtly at Harry and I.

“Its a wonder how anyone would want Malfoy near them on a holiday,” I said just as loudly, “it must be terrible.”

Malfoy turned a little pink, glaring coldly at me. He had been even more unpleasant after the Quidditch match. Disgusted that the Slytherins had lost, he tried to get back at us by making everyone laugh at how wide-mouthed tree frogs would be replacing Harry and I as Chaser and Seeker. Then he realized that nobody found this funny, because they were all so impressed that we managed to stay on our bucking brooms. So Malfoy, jealous and angry, had went back to taunting Harry and I about our proper family.

It was true that we weren't going back to Private Drive for Christmas, but not one complaint escaped Harry nor my own lips.

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