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Slow weekend.

I miss my ex.

I probably shouldn't. 

I totally forgot it was mother's day and this morning I woke up at 7:45 to go to the grocery store with five dollars in my hand to get my mom some flowers, and all of the frickin flowers cost more than my birth.

Why do flowers cost so much?? They come out of the ground for God's sake!!!

So boring story short, I did not get flowers for my dear mother this mother's day, maybe next year when I'll have my phone to remind me.

C'est une fucking fleur. Pourquoi est-il besoin de coûter tellement???

That's French for "why do fucking flowers cost so much I could literally buy up some colored paper and go hire some origami expert to origami the shit out of it and come up with some fucking fake flowers and it would literally cost less than your flowers in the fancy pink plastic wrap."

Not really but that about sums it up.

So that's what's up in Davianland...

And now I'm bored.

Bonsoir à vous tous.

That French for I fucking love all you guys that continue to read my stuff.

Not really but shout out to whoever goes on Google translate to look it up.

I should sleep now...

-daviankrystal <3

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