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So I shaved my legs today right cause I was gonna wear shorts tomorrow and they feel like unicorn hair right now but that's not the point.

I get out of the shower and I go check the weather and it says it's gonna be like 60 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow so I'm like "nvm about the shorts then,"

But then-

My mom calls me to come outside and it's crazy thunder and lightning out there.

And it starts sprinkling.

Cue me, I'm out there in my front yard in my class shirt and my Nike spanks with my hair all wet, in the frickin rain.

I'm like "there was no way I was gonna survive if I would have worn shorts tomorrow," but then in seriously two seconds flat-

It starts pouring.

This looks like hurricane weather, and I live in California.

We have been in a drought for the past however many years and it is literally pouring buckets of water outside.

I don't know if I mentioned but it's the middle of April, and if it's barely gonna start raining now, my city needs to get checked or something cause that's just not right.

I get April showers and everything but seriously this is not what the people that live here are built for!!

And then less than a minute after it starts pouring all of this water out of nowhere...

It's flipping hailing-

All over the front lawn, all over the house, all in my pool. If I were to go open a window, which I did, the rain would come through the screen and the hail would pound against it.

And all I can think is

"Holy hell I was gonna wear shorts."

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