Chapter 5

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

                Chapter 5

Cass slowly opened her eyes. She felt a warm breath brush her neck and the arms around her tighten. She sighed, as she stretched in his arms. She was tender from their love making but it was a good kind of tender. She felt a slight pain around her neck and a sharp pain from her thigh. The pain from her neck was simple to deduce, they were mates, he had turned her last night when he had bitten her. Her thigh was a different matter altogether, but a matter that could wait. She tried to rollover without rolling off the couch; she managed the feat just barely. She rubbed her face against his chest and sighed.

He woke up then and nuzzled at her throat. He could already feel himself rising to the occasion, wanting her again. “I need you.” His husky voice said softly.

She moaned, her body reacting to his declaration. “This time how about we try the bed?”

He chuckled and they tumbled off the couch; her landing on top of him. He smiled and they struggled to untangle themselves from the tight wrapping of the sheets. He got free first and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder; he took four strides to his bed and tossed her down. She bounced lightly on the soft surface and glared at him when she finally found her balance. He smiled and tugged at the blanket to get her free.

“I really should call Rose and tell her to call off the search parties.”

He chuckled. “Right… you’re with a hot Were Alpha… you don’t come home, ergo you spent the night making… hot… sweet… love.” He crawled over her.

She spread her legs in preparation to welcome him, but winced instead as her thigh suddenly screamed in pain. He noticed her wince and rolled her onto her side to inspect what had made her wince. Four long deep furrows ran up her thigh, scabs had started to form and he knew she would bear the scars for the rest of her life.

“That needs a doctor.” He got off her and threw a blanket over her, grabbed his phone and cursed as he remembered that he didn’t know Nathanael’s number. He dialled Amy’s mobile instead and hoped she had it on her.

“'ello.” a groggy voice asked.

“Amy, I need Nathanael’s number.” He explained hurriedly.

“Why? What’s wrong? Who’s hurt?” She asked suddenly awake.


“What happened?” She demanded.

“It looks like I scratched her last night while we mated.” He explained.

“Congratulations.” She said before she quickly rattled off a number that he memorised and hung up. He quickly dialled for Nathanael.

“Uh-huh.” A sleepy female voice asked.

“Nathanael?” He asked.

“Moment.” She replied and hit Nathanael, waking him. “Phone.”

The phone was passed to him. “Nathanael speaking.”

“Nathanael, it’s Grey-hawk.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I need you to come to my hotel room.” He said firmly.

“What’s wrong, are you hurt?” Nathanael asked.

“Not me, my mate, Cass. I turned her last night but I scratched her thigh deeply. It doesn’t look nice.” He explained while looking at Cass.

Cass?… he thought for a moment trying to pinpoint who that was, no Were was at their best whilst still half asleep. His eyes snapped open completely as he threw himself out of bed, Amy’s assistant, he remembered. "I’ll be there in half an hour, have coffee waiting.” Nathanael closed the line.

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