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Third person


Even though, Jade spent the rest of the day with her friends, she still found it to be only one thing. Dreadful.

The whole day she spent walking or as Stiles preferred to say 'exploring' the motel with Scott, Allison and Stiles.

After a while Jade began getting agitated at her buzz cut friend, to the point where she would have happily clawed him to death, not that it was surprising.

Jade often had an urge to claw him, whenever he opened his mouth, as whenever she talked to Stiles she'd always become somewhat angered by the boy, I guess you could say it ran in the family.

Stiles' constant talking and rambling wasn't the only thing that began getting on her nerves, it was also the numerous amount of times that the name Jackson escaped his mouth and the fact that the motel provided no food apart from the small vending machine that had gained an extremely long line of students.

Jade was hungry and bothered to say the least and all she wanted to do was sleep, but even that seemed impossible due to her empty stomach.

She tossed and turned in her shared bed, it wasn't a surprise that Jackson was getting annoyed by the minute.

Everyone on the trip knew that putting the two together wasn't a good idea the moment their names slipped out of the Finstock's mouth.

There was no denying that Jade and Jackson where the most short tempered people in the school. Jackson's friends were just hoping the boy wouldn't slip a snobby remark that would result in a black eye.

Jackson reached over for the lamp that sat on the bedside table, switching it on. The dim light quickly filled the room, causing the green eyed girl to look at the boy in confusion.

"What are you doing?" He spoke, turning to the girl.

The corner of his mouth twitched into a small smile seeing how adorable the girl look. Her petite body was wrapped in blankets only her face and the few brown hairs that framed it. She squinted at the light.

"Trying to sleep, so if you don't mind" Jade motioned to the lamp, signifying for it to be turned off.

The boy sighed switching the lamp off and laying back onto his pillow, only to feel the girl wriggling beside him, again.

"Are you always this annoying in bed?" Jackson asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

For some reason Jackson wasn't getting as annoyed as usual.

"Calm down fuck boy, I'm just hungry" she answered, causing Jackson to laugh.

"You do realise there's a vending machine, right?"

"Yes but by the time the lines finish, even Greenberg would've graduated"

"I know a way to make the line quicker" Jackson switched the lamp on and Jade sat up onto the bed facing the boy.


"I'm offering, getting you to the front of the line quicker"

"What's the catch? A hand job or something? " Jade crossed her arms at the blue eyed boy.

"No, its okay I wouldn't want to put you in any trouble"

"Plus I prefer blow jobs" he winked before stepping out of the room, leaving the green eyed girl dumbfound as to what had just happened.

"If much rather prefer not partaking in any sexual intercourse with you let alone, standing closer than arms length to you"

Jackson thought he'd test his luck. He knew for a fact that she was attracted to him, there was no denying.

Especially seeing as her jaw practically fell to the grown when she saw him shirtless.

Just as Jade spoke, she was lightly pinned against the wall by Jackson, who seemed way too close to her.

Confused at the time, Jade made eye contact with the boy, trying to figure out what he was doing. The smirk on his face only made her even more confused.

Slowly she found herself gazing into his eyes, in a way that she shouldn't have.

Jade couldn't help it though, there was something about his twinkling blue eyes that made her want to stare into them a little longer, even if he was her best friends boyfriend.

For a second they were so captivating to her, she couldn't look away.

Gradually she notice how his face began getting increasingly closer to hers, his eyes began flickering from her lips back to her olive eyes.

Which send her heart racing. It was almost as if it was a natural reaction for her to lean in as well.

It was weird. She wanted it to happen. She wanted to feel his lips against hers. She knew it was wrong but she didn't care at the time.

Nothing seemed to matter to her.

Jackson's lips were so close to hers, to the point where his hot breath hovered above her skin sending chills that erupted in her body.

The two both longed for it to happen. The sound of Jade's stomach irrupting caused her to fall out of the trance that she was so deeply blinded in.

She gripped softly onto the boys shoulders, turning them around so the he was pressed against the wall.

Jade inched herself away from Jackson, trying to cover the surprising look that seemed impossible to replace.

Slipping his hands away from her waist, Jade didn't notice him put them there.

"You must love Lydia a lot, right?" she spat, walking away from the boy, expecting him to follow close behind.

She never thought that it would happen, but hunger saved her.

This was a shit chapter but I was dropping them hints (if you noticed) , and some serious shit went down.

I haven't updated because of exams yada yada yada. And I'm really sorry. Also I started watching shadow hunters and I kinda went to Alec's lane by accident, which is one of the reasons why I didn't update for so long ( I even thought about deleting this book because Alec got me fucked).

I'm so fricking happy because the last time I was on wattpad this book was at 500 read and now it's at 1k at like that's so fuckung crazy and ily guys sm. Thank you so so much.

I've been working on new books which I am so fucking excited about and I love all the plots.

Also another reason why I haven't updated is because of Oitnb tbfh s4 fucked me up, like I'm still recovering from what they did to the loml. It's the only non supernatural tv show that I watch and it's so fucking gr8 so y'all should watch it.

Im thinking of rewriting the whole book in third person but I'm not sure yet.

But anyway I'm going off track and I'm really tired so I'm going to leave it there! Byee!!!

(Let's hope that the next time I update tw won't be releasing s8 yet)

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