t h r e e

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I stood corrected. Things could get worse.

"You're kidding me?" I groaned as I walked into the room. There was only one double bed.

I was slightly pushed to the side as Jackson dumped his stuff outside the door before marching off to find his many friends.

I shut the door having a looking at the small hotel room. It had a small armchair in one corner, a box TV and of course the bed.

I close the pale blue curtains, before sighing and placing my bag on the armchair.

It only had a few things in it, my phone, shoes, water bottle, sports shorts, an extra shirt and a few normal necessities like hair bands, Bobby pins and make up.

My jeans were beginning to grow increasingly uncomfortable, seeing as they where pretty much stuck to my skin because of the rain. So I decided to change into the clothes I had packed.

I rummaged through my bag, pulling out my shorts but not an extra shirt.

"Fuck." I hissed when I realised I had forgotten it. I was wearing a shirt that belonged to the queen bee herself, seeing as I would never buy a shirt with such uncomfortable material.

Therefore this was going to be the most uncomfortable sleep in my life.

I sighed and laid out my shorts for bed. I walked into the bathroom to examine it and make sure I had a towel.

I switched the water on waiting for it to warm up, little did I know that waiting was a complete waste of time.

It felt like 10 minutes of me feeling the water to see if it was going to change temperatures even slightly but there was no sign of anything.

I glanced at the lock, checking to see it the door was locked, I don't want any surprise visits from anyone while I'm in my birthday suit.

I throw all my clothes off of my body before dreadfully stepping into the shower. Shivers where sent through my spin as the freezing cold water hit my skin.

After a short while of cleaning myself in the cold water, I finally decided to get out.

I forgot that I was sharing the room with Jackson since I would've brought my clothes into the bathroom beforehand.

My lack of sense resulted in me having to potential be seen with only a towel by the biggest douche I know.

I wrapped the rough towel around my body, I already put on my undergarments on, the towel was just for 'extra protection'.

I could hear Jackson speaking as numerous chuckles filled the small space. Great, he brought company.

I peered out of the bathroom to see Jackson, Danny and three other meatheads from the lacrosse team standing in the room.

I groaned walking out of the bathroom, I could tell their attention was focused on me. I grab my shorts from the bed walking back to the bathroom.

Once I finished wearing my clothes I proceeded to head out of the bathroom once again. I could tell that the groups eyes where on me,making me feel uncomfortable in the amount of skin I was showing.

"Hey, roomie." Jackson said sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes. I kept my eyes in my phone that I had managed to pull out of my bag.

"Listen my friends and I are going to hang out here so why don't you go hang out with the two losers you're normally with." He says referring to Stiles and Scott, I looked up from my phone shoving it into the waist band of my shorts.

Normally I would have stayed quiet but when someone insults my friends, my attitude changes drastically.

"First of all, they aren't losers and second of all. No. I'm going to stay right where I am." I smiled sarcastically as I grabbed a book that was placed on the windowsill.

Jackson did a double take. Not many people told him no.

"No?" Jackson queried. "No." I confirmed. "I"m going to sit here and read." I said moving my bag and planting down onto the arm chair. There was one thing I hated more than Jackson and coincidentally it was books. I glanced up from the book, seeing a small smile on his face.

"Whatever boys, let's go." He announced. They all groaned but complied and one by one they filed out of the room until I was left by myself in the quiet.

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