Chapter 3

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Her bright eyes flashed to mine, distracting me. "You know what I am, but you don't know who I am." Her voice cut through me like a knife. My arms still caging her in, her hard gaze still on me. 

"Why do you..."

She scoffed, "Why do I strip? You liked it I could tell, so why do you care?" I broke the stare, not wanting her to see the blazing guilt in my eyes. I let my arms fall to my sides letting her go. She turned to her locker, "My mother," her voice holding the tears. "She had cancer. I need alot of money to pay for her treatments. My job here wouldn't pay enough. NO where else would take a part time job. I payed for everything.  She died two months later."

"I'm sorry, Lani." A bitter laugh escaped her lips. I gently rested my hand on her shoulder. 

"It runs in the family, my baby brother died of leukemia when he was 7." I was shocked, this girl had gone through hell. And came out on top. I couldn't leave her there about to cry. But I had to get to the locker room. My phone rang, a text from Kaner: DUDE WHERE THE HELL R U MAN. WE GO OUT IN 15. 

"I have to-" 

"Just go," Her voice calm and cold, like she shut out her emotions that I had just seen. "Just go. Everybody leaves. Just go they need you." 

"I'm so sorry Lani," I whispered in her ear. She turned her head away from me. I took a deep breath and walked away ignoring the pull to go back to her. 


When I was around him I couldn't lie. He was so close I could smell the light sweat of pregame workout, and the drowning smell of his aftershave. I had grinded against Jonathan Toews. Girls would kill to be me, but I just wanted to disappear. Get enough money to pay my rent and then go back to Canada. I had no one here or in Canada, but I had a home there. The little cabin in the mountains with my cat, Lucifer. Yes my cat is named Lucifer. Supernatural had taken over my life when I got him.  I liked being alone, and I haven't met anyone who wanted to change that. 

You're Mine Tonight. (Toews fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ