SEQUEL TO RUN; It was you (A Harry Styles fanfic)

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"Olivia, is that you?" I heard my boyfriend call as I walked through his front door.

"No, its a burglar and I've came to rob you" I said in a gruff voice.

That's when I saw his big gleaming smile and his brown hair appear in the door way to the living room.

"You're really funny" he said sarcastically. 

I placed my bag down in his hallway and walked over to him. He took hold of my arm and pulled me in close to him. I closed my eyes and took in his scent.

"Tom, what's for tea? I'm starving" I said pulling away from him.

I know what you're all thinking, who the FUCK is Tom and where is Harry? Well I'll tell you.

After Harry came out of hospital, we were stronger than ever, I even decided to move our relationship up and I lost my virginity to him. It was the most perfect night of my life and that was when I realised that he was the one for me. 

But, if so why aren't I with him now? 

A few months later, I got accepted into a big university in Wales, of course Harry wasn't happy, but that was understandable. 

The time came when I finally had to move, me and him both cried but promised to keep in touch. 

Sadly, we didn't see a lot of each other and everything fell apart. But to this day I do not regret a single moment I had ever spent with Harry. 

Eventually, I met Tom. He was the complete opposite to Harry, he didn't lose his temper and he didn't get in to trouble and he always done well in school. 

He didn't look to much different to Harry, he just didn't have his green eyes or curls. Tom has blue eyes and brown spiky hair. I do miss running my hands through Harry's curls.


"I know mum, I can't wait to come and see you! It feels like forever, I'll ring you before I set off tomorrow morning. Okay, I love you! Bye!" 

"So, you're really leaving me for the full summer by myself?" Tom said from the sofa, he was pulling a fake sad face. I walked over to him sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck.

"You're going to see your parents!" 

"So" he said frowning. 

I gave him a peck on the nose, he moved his hand up and brushed my hair behind my ears.

"I'm so lucky to have you Liv. I love you" 

"I love you too" I said back to him with a smile. 

"So don't leave me!" He begged.

"I had to leave my parents to come here" I said to him.

"Yeah, but they've had you for longer than I have!"

"You've had me for a year! I've had you for a year also, don't know how I'm not sick of you yet" I said jokingly to him.

He pretended to cry and then tried to tickle me and wrestle me to the floor. It wasn't hard to release myself from his grasp. Unlike Harry's which was unbelievably strong.

"I can never get you on the floor, its always me who ends up down here!" Tom shouted whilst laughing.

"It's because I'm amazing!" I said standing above him, smiling.

He jumped up and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in close to him. His lips locked with mine and I felt warm inside. We parted and I smiled at him.

"I'm still better than you" 

"You wish!" He said to me.


When I pulled up to my house, I couldn't believe I was here after two years of being away from it! Nothing much had changed, except my mum had planted a few more plants in the garden.

"Guess who's home?" I yelled. 

My mum and dad came running through from the kitchen and my mum wrapped her arms around me.

"You've grown since I last seen you!" She said to me.

"I can't believe my little girl is twenty in two week" my dad said to me. I gave him a small smile.

"How's it all going? Are you getting the grades you want? Not a lot of partying I hope!" My mum said.

I wasn't sure if she was joking or not, so I kept quiet.

"And when are you bring this chap of yours to see us?" My dad asked.

"I was thinking about inviting him up half way through the summer, if that's okay?"

My mums face lit up. "Of course it is! We'd love to meet him!"

"Better than that Harry boy, I hope Olivia" my dad said sternly. My mum gave him a glare, she knew how I had felt about Harry.

I chose to ignore his comment, there was nothing wrong with Harry. In my eyes he was still just the misunderstood boy.

"Have you got a photo of him?" My mum asked me.

I pulled out my phone to show her my front screen of me and Tom.

"Wow, he's a handsome young man isn't he!" My mum smiled.

I gave them both another hug and decided to carry my bags up to my room.

SEQUEL TO RUN; It was you (A Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now