Chapter VII

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As soon as they were out, the guys outside burst through the planks. One guy was dressed normal, well, if normal was a suit, and the other guys looked exactly like the ones on the side of the road.

I hid my gun behind my back as best as I could. I was a little intimidated by the possible zombies standing next to the suit-guy, but I tried not to let it show.

But the suit-guy...he looked so familiar...

Leave it. There's other stuff to deal with now.

"Is there a problem, sirs?" Atom asked sternly. He had on the most incredible poker-face I could remember seeing, and it was almost scary. "Anything at all?"

"Anything at all?" Suit-guy scoffed. "What do you mean, anything at all? You're up after curfew, your music is up above a reasonable volume, and you resisted arrest. That's a punishable offense, boys. Or...girl and boy?"

I ground my teeth. Dammit, dammit, dammit!

"We're both guys here," I snarled. "Now, we asked you a question. Is there a problem?"

Suit-guy pulled out a pistol, which made the white-suits raise theirs too. "I'd think about my next words if I were you. Now, what you did is a punishable offense." He was yelling now, red-faced. "You're coming with me to the Battery City Penitentiary, whether you want to or not."

I looked over at Atom in the corner of my eye, and he gave a small nod. I put my rifle up to my shoulder and stared suit-guy right in the eyes. "How about no?"

He looked almost intimidated by the big gun. "I've only seen one of those once before, and that was with...wait, are you the delinquent who killed Christoph?"

Christoph. Yet another familiar name. Too many familiar things in just an hour or two.

Suit-guy got up closer and looked me over. "Who are you under that mask? Really? Who are you?"

I put my gun up to his chest. "Back up. That's who I am."

All he did was raise an eyebrow. "Two against four? You're pushing your luck here."

"I don't care." My turn to be scary.

"Boy, shut up!" Atom sneered quietly.

"Boy? That's your name?" Suit-guy asked. "I knew you Killjoys had weird names, but that's a different one."

"That doesn't matter right now," I snapped. "Now, what did you say about a guy named Christoph?"

"What, did you know him?" Suit-guy asked. "You probably killed him didn't you? Damned delin-"

Before he could finish, Atom ran up and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him back a bit.

Lost Boy (True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now