Chapter 2: Commence operation 'steal Heart's heart'

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Day one was ‘observation day’. I followed Robin around for as long as I could to find out what she did at school. Of course, I had to ask Joe and Kevin for help as well. I’d have made it too obvious if I was the only one to follow her around all day. We switched whenever she went to the library. It was currently my turn.

“Who in their rightful mind would ever go to the library five times on a single day?! And before recess kicks in, too,” I whisper-shouted to no one in particular. Unless she was the librarian herself, that was just way too hard for me to imagine.

I searched for a book to read; one that wasn’t Shakespeare for once. My eyes roamed and roamed until they fell on Pygmalion. Ah, one of my favourite plays! I smiled as the memories poured inside of me. I wouldn’t mind reading this again.

Just as I started to pull the book out, another hand appeared on top of mine and pushed the book roughly back to its place.

“What’s the big- Oh…” Robin’s bluish-grey eyes stared right at me. She seemed pretty pissed off. “Is something wrong?”

“Ask your dumb minions,” she whisper-shouted. My heart randomly skipped a beat. Her voice was pretty adorable… And I couldn’t help but think she seemed awfully cute looking mad like that. “Why are you stalking me?”

I was quite taken aback by this. How did she find out? The day wasn’t even halfway over yet. But perhaps she wasn’t 100% sure I was following her. Okay, in that case all I had to do was to make her doubt herself. Piece of cake.

She crossed her arms and stared at me impatiently.

“What makes you think I’m stalking you?” I asked her.

“Your stupid minions panicked when I went to the fucking toilet.” Such language! “They asked some girls if they had seen me run off somewhere. I mean honestly, who does that?”

Apparently those idiots do.

I smirked to try and hide my frustration. “And again I ask you, what makes you think I am stalking you?”

Her expression didn’t soften one bit. “What are you doing here then?”

That was an easy one. “As you can see, I was about to take this book out. Pygmalion was and always will be my favourite play. So I wanted to read the book all over again.” I paused. She looked away for a while. “Isn’t that what you do at a library? Aren’t you supposed to pick books out to read them?”

Robin looked back at me. An uncomfortable silence emerged between us. Eventually she finally sighed. “Whether that’s true or not, I don’t care. Just tell your friends to back off, will you? They’re always so damn noisy. And for your sake, I hope you do the same.”

I nodded. “Of course, Miss…?” Although I already knew her name, I paused to give her a hint that she had to introduce herself. She didn’t. 

“Thanks,” she said, turning and vanishing between the bookshelves.

I blinked, surprised at her unique reactions. It was obvious that she wasn’t one of my fans. But to which group did she belong? Did she hate me? Could she simply not stand me? Or was she secretly smitten by me but didn’t want to show it? At one side I was relieved she wasn’t obsessed with me. She didn’t seem like a clone from the rest.

I shook my head. No, she was probably the same. God knows how much courage she had to muster just to approach me! I chuckled lightly as I portrayed this.

All in all our first meeting didn’t go as planned. But I told myself that a minor setback meant there was a chance for more opportunities. Thanks to those idiots I was able to have my first conversation with her.

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