Chapter 11: The Far-Land Inn

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Their leather boots made no noise up on the red carpet as they stepped into the main hall of the inn, which was also busy with people coming to and fro. Plush long chairs were placed on either side of the hall, occupied by adults talking in low voices. The walls were painted a deep crimson as though trying to inspire wealth, but it just reminded Tia of blood.

Tapestries showed knights in armour next to grand portraits, reminding her of characters in epic stories. Smaller portraits hung at eye-level as they made their way to the front desk where Master Anu stood: pictures of the rich dressed in flamboyant and colourful outfits indulging in activities that seemed bizarre to Tia, such as hunting wild carriers and fist fights of slaves. People should not be treated this way, she thought, looking at a picture of a triumphant-looking fat man punching the air as his slave stood over his fallen competitor. She squealed as a group of people hurried past her, bumping her out of the way.

The innkeeper, Lahmum, was dressed like those in the portraits. He came into sight as Tia managed to fight her way through waves of people. Beneath his triple chin was a bright yellow ribbon, tied in a careful knot and the rest hung loosely down the front of his shirt. The shirt, made of a coarser material in pale blue, strained over his fat belly and was just about tucked into his dark pants. He resembled a fat bird, tied together with string, the feathres bursting over the restraints. He looked very uncomfortable in his get-up, although his face didn't show it.

Beneath a long silky coat in a deep purple, he tapped his polished black boot on the table leg as the three young people handed the Windcaster his travel bag, panting from exertion and from having to fight their way through the crowd.

"These are my apprentices and assistant, Tiamat, Mommu and Enlil," Master introduced his companions with a small sweep of his hand. "This is Mister Lahmum, who has kindly let us stay in his rooms for a few nights."

Lahmum swept over the three with a pair of small beady eyes. Tia didn't like him. He looked like one of those merchants who always shouted at children on the streets, accusing them of stealing from his store. He had a bulbous nose that he looked down with, a pursing mouth, a shiny forehead, and a generally rather unpleasant demeanour. He said nothing to them, but Tia could feel he didn't like them very much.

"I'd take yer bag fer ye, Master Anu, but me leg..." The innkeeper gestured helplessly, a self-pitying expression on his shiny face. Tia felt a little more sympathetic with him at the words, although when she glanced at Enlil, he looked sceptical, rolling his eyes. Master Anu waved away the apologies.

"I can manage my own things, Mister Lahmum. Can you please take us to our rooms?"

"Follow me," the man grunted, hobbling up the stairs with a thick wooden walking stick in his right hand.

The stairs were as grand as the inn itself. The tapestries continued up the wall. The midday sun shone through the stained glass, bathing the steps in a spectrum of colours. Fancy candle holders hung on the sides, unlit during the day. Tia resisted the temptation to touch them. Everything was so shiny: the banisters were polished to perfection and gilded. Not a speck of dust was to be seen. People hurried past them down the stairs, most of them travellers. A few nodded respectfully at Master Anu, whispering "Grace be with you" as they passed.

"This here's yer room, Master Anu," Lahmum gushed, doing a little bow – or bending as low as his strained silky long coat could bear – as he gestured to one of the rooms on the second landing. Without another word, he set off further down the corridor, the three young people hurrying after him with all their belongings. He threw open one of the doors and glared at them, startling Tia with his sudden change in attitude.

"What, yer expecting two rooms between ye?" he said sourly. Tia blinked; the thought had never crossed her mind. "A guest room for you lot! Yer lucky I don't make ye sleep in the stables where the other servants sleep." He snorted.

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