The twist

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Challie leads me and Cory out onstage again. "Ladies and gentlemen of District 4!" she calls excitedly. "As today is the 25th Hunger Games, we will have a new element added to the games! this year, for a special Games we will call the Quarter Quell, you of district 4 will vote for who you want to be in the games! So, which will it be? Cerulean Tanner, or her brother Cory? it's up to you to decide!''

We have to vote? No, this can't happen. my family can't vote for either me or Cory! They wouldn't be so cruel!

''Also, each district will have some part in choosing the elements of the games. For example, district 1 will choose weapons. District 8 will choose creatures. District 12 will choose the natural disasters. District 4 will be in charge of voting out of the following locations for the arena to be set in:

1. A forest landscape. one part tropical rainforest, one part coniferous forest, and one part deciduous. There will be scattered water sources, including lakes and rivers.

2. Almost entirely water. the cornucopia wil be floating, as will the starting stations. there will be a bit of shoreline in the middle and some on the edges

3. mountainous. there will be little water and wood, forcing the tributes to fight quickly or die. it will be rocky, snowy, steep, and cold.

4. all climates. there will be desert, water, forest, mountain, etc. anything you can think of, there will be.

5. and finally, tropical savanna, it will be hot, wih lots of wild animals for food. there will be scattered trees, tall grasses, few watering holes, and lots of dust.

"And those, people of district 4, are your options! submit your votes by tomorrow morning, so theu can be counted and sent to the Capitol to be counted. The tributes will be boarding the train in just 5 minutes, so if you haven't said goodbye, do so now please. Happy Hunger games! "

Challie calls as she walks off the stage.

I see only one positive side:my district will obviously vote for the water landscape. This will give us a huge advantage.

And I realize that if I am picked, I could heal myself using the water. I must go into the games. I am the one who can withstand the pressure of deep water, who can communicate with animals, who can heal myself with water alone.

I can win.

I can WIN.

I need to be picked.

If I don't, Cory will probably die, amd I could never live with myself if that happened. I know what I must do now, although I may not even come back if my plan fails.

The First Quarter Quell (A hunger games fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now