My Boys *6*

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I couldn’t believe how silly I was! I was going to the mall in which nearly everyone from my school hangs out at and I didn’t think about running into people there.

I now stood pacing my living room while I waited for Tori and my friends to come over.

After I had run into her, I thankfully talked her into waiting to yell at me later after I had called over the gang and she had let me explain.

Now all I had to do was wait and let me tell you THAT was the hardest part.

Mum and Dad were out at some work function, Ash had gone out to work on some College assignment and Connor was out doing something, I had no idea what…

So I was left at home, anxious as hell, waiting for them to turn up.

Running through all the ways to tell them

Should I just get it out there and say,


Or would that be too out there and shocking so should I go full truthful way and say,

I found out about 18 weeks ago, I’m Pregnant

No that’s too out there!

AHH! There should be a guide on how to tell your friends your pregnant!

Grrrr… Where’s Connor when you need him!

I was broken away from my rambling thoughts as the doorbell rang.

My heart rate sped up and I slowly made my way to the door, sucking in a deep breathe I opened the door to find an angry looking Tori with Jamie, Nathaniel, Paige, Melanie, Aimee and Jade behind her looking very confused.

“What’s wrong?” Paige asks pushing her way to the front to give me a hug,

“I think you guys should come in and take a seat, I have something I need to tell you!” I say not answering her question.

“Yes you do!” Tori snaps angrily.

I am taken aback by her tone but I understand, I would feel the same if I were in her position I mean her supposed best friend is pregnant and she didn’t get told till about 2 months later. Well she didn’t know it was that long…

As everyone settles in their seats, Paige sitting on Nat’s lap and Tori and Jamie are sitting on the love seat together while the rest spread out on the floor and other chairs, I stand in the middle of the lounge room pacing,

“Come on tell us what’s wrong! You’re freaking me out!” Mel exclaims breaking the eerie silence

“Ok so I should have told you this when I found out, but I was scared…” I start, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans

“Honey just tell us,” Jade pipes up giving me a reassuring smile

“I’m pregnant…” I blurt out.

The room is left in silence…

Nat looks peeved off, clenching his fists while Paige looked at me with a huge smile, Jamie and Mel were staring at me with shocked expressions, Aimee and Jade were jumping for joy while Tori sat there brooding and looking slightly hurt. Before I could go mad over the silence I heard the sound of the front door opening.

"Babe, I'm home! How are my 2 favourite girls doings?”

"GIRLS!" Aimee, Jade and Paige exclaim in shock

"Oops" Connor says making his way into the living room and taking in everyone. I just groan in frustration,

"Babe, for the last time it's a boy!" I chide him

"BOY!" The girls shriek again, like an echo, while I just roll my eyes at them.

"Hey guys," Connor says nodding towards my friends. The girls smile up at him, Connor and Jamie do that man hug thing while Nat just... glares at him?

“Nat what’s wrong?”

“This piece of shit right here! I mean for god sake Amy he got you pregnant!”

“Hey I am still in this room,” Connor pipes up looking hurt by Nat’s words, Nat just glares at him before turning back to me,

“I know! We both know! Neither of us planned this but we are keeping the baby and we are going to raise HIM,” I say pointedly to Connor who just smirks at my words, “as a family.”

“Yeah man, I had no idea she was pregnant, I mean it wasn’t planned and when she told me, I was as angry as you, not at her, no way, I was angry at myself. But you have to see how much I love her, I am not going to leave her and my child, we come as a package deal now and I WILL stay with her through everything. I want to see my baby GIRL grow up,” Connor say pointedly to me and I smile at his words.

“Boy,” I add just to annoy Connor,

“Wait! Is it a girl or a boy?” asks Paige from her position on the couch,

“We don’t know, we find out at our next ultrasound,” I add

“WAIT! Don’t you have to wait till you are a few months pregnant before you can find out?” Ask Mel

“Umm well yeah, I’m 18 weeks pregnant,” I mumble

“That long?” Tori asks as the hurt in her eyes intensifies

“I know! I am so sorry but I was just so afraid I was going to lose you guys and I couldn’t find the right time to tell you and yeah, I’m sorry…” I plead with them, Paige, Mel and Aimee give me hugs of reassurance while Jamie and Jade tell me it’s alright, Nat just nods his head in agreeance slowly one by one they leave, the whole time tori hasn’t said one word and now it si just her and I left

“Listen Tor-“ I start but she cuts me off, “Why didn’t you tell me? We were meant to be closer than sisters Lia,” Tori says using her childhood nickname for me.

“I know and you have no idea how much I wanted to call you and talk to you!”

“THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU?” She screams,

“BECAUSE I WAS SCARED!” I yell back, tears now cascading now my face, “Because I was scared…” I repeat this time softly as I collapse onto the couch.

“Look at what is happening to us,” Tori mumbles joining me on the couch.

“I really did want to tell you but I was scared of how you would think of me, I couldn’t risk our friendship like that…” I plead with my eyes.

“God what happened to the good old days where boys had cuties and we were Victoria and Amelia, Tia and Lia.”

“I have no idea, but time has passed, things have happened and there is nothing we can do but move forward. This baby was not planned but I will love him or her with everything I have got and we were hoping you along with Ash would be their Godmother,” I ask while absentmindedly rubbing my belly

“Of course who else would be there to teach this little munchkin all my tricks and pranks,” Tori says with an evil smile while I just shake my head thinking of all the trouble they would cause.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2011 ⏰

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