My Boys *2*

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I had visited the obstetrician yesterday, well nervous was an understatement but she assured me that everything was doing perfectly fine, easing all my worry, and that I was 6 weeks pregnant

I was now laying on my bed staring at the ultrasound picture of my baby.

At the moment he or she was only tiny, the size of a bean, but to think in just 8 short months I would have a living, breathing baby to look after.

That scared me.


“I’m sorry for how I acted I was in Shock,” Connor said coming up behind me and laying down pulling me against his chest.


That was how my parents found us when they returned home, us wrapped in each other’s arms.

 Connor had his arms wrapped around my waist resting on my belly, while in my hands was a sonagram picture

“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?” My Dad yelled already pissed off.

Sure Dad had met Connor before and everything. Dad just wasn’t one of Connor’s biggest fans.

Ok so this wasn’t exactly how I planned to tell them but…. Well here goes nothing.

Wish me luck

“Mom? Dad how about we go down to the living room, we need to talk,” I say jumping out of bed only to have to stop and steady myself as I get a head rush.

When the dizziness eases I grab Connor’s hand and pull him down to the living room with my parents trailing behind us.

We all take our seats and I take a deep breath…

 “I’m Home!” Ash calls out and the front door slams behind her.

She walks in and takes in all our positions.

Mom Confused

Dad Angry

Connor and I side by side, nervous as hell.

And Ash just has to open her big mouth.

“Ohhh, So Amy has told you guys now. I mean I knew she wanted to tell Connor first, Congrat’s by the way, but I am so happy you all know now. I mean come on your going to be Grandparents!” Ash finishes with a smile

“Thanks Ash” I mumble so only her and Connor can here, my voice laced with sarcasm.

“SHE IS WHAT!! WE WILL BE WHAT!!” My Dad yells and I cringe into Connor.

Here comes the ultimatum…

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