My Boys *4*

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It's Father's Day here in Australia so this is a little Father's day special x :)





I stared in the mirror looking at my reflection.

My baby bump was growing but I could still hide it quite well, it wouldn’t be too long though.

It has since been nearly 2 months since that fateful day with my parents.

Conner’s parents took it really well, they were actually happy for us.

I was now 14 weeks pregnant.

I still couldn’t believe it.

I looked at my appearance; I had long blonde hair which I found bland and just average. Nowadays everyone had blonde or brown hair and I envied those with pretty black or red hair. I have green eyes which turn slightly blue, depending on the light. My skin was fairly pale and I was lucky enough to not have any skin blemishes or pimples. My body was all right, fairly slender but I hated the fact that I had nothing up top!

I mean looking at myself, I was plain and boring and somehow I won the heart of Conner.

How did I deserve him, he was amazing in every aspect. Me, I was nothing special. I wasn't some beautiful preppy cheerleader that knew and was friends with everyone, no I had my small close knit group of friends who were absolutely amazing and I loved them, they were my family.

Not Connor no, walking into school everyone knew who he was, coming up and saying hello and chatting away. He was the star quarterback after all...  I sat on the bleachers.

He had girls fawning after him; I was friends with guys, nothing more.

He was amazing, I was just plain old me.

He had a great body from all the sport he played, including an eight pack; he also had the looks to match.

Me, I had to try and study for my grades and I was smart with straight A’s but Conner, he got A’s and B’s without even trying. He already had offers from colleges all along the east coast...

Soon we would have to talk about the future and what we were going to do, we avoided the M word like taboo now. Connor had tried to bring it up at first but I had effectively cut him off each time.

I hadn’t told any of my other friends yet. In truth; I was scared, scared of their reaction.

Everyone had heard all the stories, hell I had met one and they almost always lost friends and were shunned or given disapproving looks from their family.

It wouldn’t be too long though and I would start to show so much that no clothes could cover it, then I would have to watch their reactions, watch them become distant and even lose some of them.

That was why I hadn’t told them already, I couldn’t stand it. The thought alone of losing them was too much to bear, they were as much my family as Connor and My Parents are.

Today is father’s day. We are having a big family lunch, Connor and his parents were coming over as well as his grandparents and my own.

I had made it into my second trimester so today; today was when we were telling our grandparents…

I felt arms wrap around my face and looked in the mirror to see us, we looked like a cute family Me, Connor and Baby C, and I had come to call him that. I didn’t know if he even was a he yet but I just had a feeling he would be a little mini Connor.

I don’t know how long we stood their but soon enough we were called downstairs by my mum letting us know that the Grandparents would be here soon.

We walked down the stairs hand in hand, as we came into view, Andrea (pronounced Andraya), Connor’s Mum, rushes over to greet us,

“Heyy… So Amy… How is everything going? How is the baby? No troubles? Are you eating properly? How far along are you now?” She babbles along and Andrew, Connor’s Dad, luckily saves me calming Andrea down and Ash takes my place answering all of the questions and so them and my mother soon get into conversation all about babies.

“Thanks… Happy Father’s Day,” I tell Andrew with a smile,

“Yeah soon though it will be Connor celebrating father’s day,” He replies smiling back, I feel a slight movement in my stomach and smile, “I believe the baby can’t wait, he just rolled around,”

Suddenly Connor is on his knees in front of me cooing at my stomach,

“Yes ‘cause you love me don’t you baby, yes you do, yes you do, you’ll be a daddy’s boy or girl,”

I just laugh it off,

“Hellooo! Were here!” My grandparents call out walking into the room, my grandmamma raises her eyebrow at what Connor’s doing while my grandad just chortles with laughter,

“Son if your proposing it’s one knee not two and please wait a bit I don’t want to be a Great Grandad just yet,” My grandfather chuckles out and I freeze as does Connor and everyone else.

“What, What did I say!?” Grandad asks confusion clear in his tone

“No! You’re not?” My Grandmama squeals coming up to hug me,

“Uhh Mum how about we wait till Connor’s parents get here then we will talk,” My mum adds leading everyone out into the lounge room

We all sit down chatting away happily while nibbling at some cookies mum had left out,

“Knock Knock!” Nanna Stuart calls out as her, Grandma and Grandpa Smith all walk in,

“YAYY!!” Squeals Grandmama like a little kid, everyone just gives her funny looks and we all have our hello hugs and kisses and how are you’s everyone takes a seat again…

I look up at Connor and he nods giving me an encouraging squeeze

“Ok guys so Connor and I have some news to tell you all…” I squeeze my eyes shut and the room goes silent, I pry my eyes open and continue… “I’m Pregnant…”

The room stays quiet then all hell breaks loose, Grandmama squeals crushing me into a hug mumbling nonsense about babies Nanna Stuart is the next to embrace me smiling all the way. Grandad looks shocked as does Grandma and Grandpa Smith

Grandma Smith scolds Connor while behind her back Grandpa Smith hi-5’s him.

I am so happy right now, I am here with all my family and they love and accept me with or without my baby…

I just sit back and watch everyone converse around me. I pat my belly and whisper,

“Baby meet your family,” Connor then wraps his arms around my waist I smile and lean into him,

“Welcome to the family Baby,” Connor whispers his breath tingling my belly…


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