first time

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Katelynn POV

Chris and I decided to watch a movie and eat pizza last night.

Well of course I fell asleep early but the was nice because I was laying in his arms.

I woke up and looked up I saw him, that made me love him even more so I would go back to sleep.

I woke up and heard a noise...I went back to sleep anyways

I woke up to jesica yelling "Is that Katelynn?!!?" I stayed fake asleep though.

I was comfortable.

I heard the door shut and Chris jump onto the bed.

"I know you're up" he tickles me

He grabs my waist and starts to tickle me...I look up at his greenish-blue eyes....I could see it in his eyes he wanted to kiss me so bad....should I let him?  

He was leaning in, I new what I had to do...I grabbed his face, before we could barley peck a kiss, I turned his face a licked him yet again.

"Really" he asked "you had to do that" 

"For that you get this" he said tickling me "I wont stop until you kiss me!" he yelled while I was kicking the air

"Never" I yelled in between laughs 

"Then I will do this all night" he said straddling my waist

"fine" I say giggling to be honest I was nervous 

he leans down still on top of me ( get that dirtiness out yo mind)

His face is half an inch from mine and I could smell his breath "Just kidding!!!!" I yell lightly sucker punching him in the gut and running out of the door.  

I run to the kitchen and get a bowl, turn around and see Jesica and  Crawford sitting on the couch,watching a movie, I couldn't really tell what movie, because I forgot my ding-dong glasses in the room, I turned to get some fruit loops out of the cabinet, but i ran into a chest I looked up and was CHRIS, he was gonna tickle me, maybe I should just kiss him.

"Fine" I yell "I will kiss you"

"Finally" he yelled

I looked up, he was looking at me, was this normal, aren't we supposed to have our eyes closed, FINE YOU GOT ME this was going to be my first kiss, besides in kindergarten, Jonathon Williams...I guess I dropped my head through all of this thinking, for i felt a hand under my chin lifting up my head

I look up, there he is this is the moment, he leans down and our lips meet, butterflies all in my stomach, this was probably the best day of my life.

He finally let go, he pointed over towards the couch.

Jesica and Crawford were staring at us...apparently they had that same idea for seconds later, their lips were locked together, their kiss wasn't long but it wasn't a peck either, Jesica then drops her head to lay on his chest

"I'm glad you were my first actual kiss" I say looking at him sucker punching him lightly again "Wait, i was your first actual kiss" he said jumping back from the punch I threw at him

"Ya" i said with a very girly giggle.

"We can do better than that" he says locking our lips together again.

The Perfectness that is Chris collins Where stories live. Discover now