Our New Basement

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Crawford's POV

"Let's have some fun with this." I said grinning from ear to ear. We walked over to the huge hole in the ground and saw beds in it.

"What the frick are those doing in there?" Chris asks.

"Well you see," Katelynn says, "We have nowhere to stay and well we made a basement." She smiles.  I shake my head in wonder.

"And you did this with spoons?" I ask. They nodded. " Well, then why in the hell is there no roof?" 

"You see, we didn't have enough money to build a roof. We spent it all coming here, buying beds, decorations, and walls." Jesica replies. I furrow my eyebrows and look at Chris. He shakes his head and shrugs. I open my mouth to speak but Chris says it before me.

"Who gave you the money?" 

"HAHA funny story you see. Well we have this friend who gave us 4,000 dolla-" Katelynn was cut off by Chris.

"4,000 dollars?!? How the crap did they get that much and of all people to YOU?" Chris blurted out. I expected them to look hurt at the last comment but instead they laughed.

"Ahh I see you have no faith in our friendship and our convincing skills." Jesica smiles and continues, " I thought after everything you would at least not doubt us." She and Katelynn pretended to look hurt. Katelynn put a hand over her heart.

"Ouch Chris that really hurt." She grinned. They jump into the hole and land on their feet but their knees buckle and they fall flat on their gorgeous faces. "LOL!" Katelynn shouts. I smile and walk over to Chris. 

"What are we gonna do for fun?" I ask. 

"Well first they need a freakin roof and second." He pauses and looks at the hole, "And second anything they do is fun. Maybe we should go back and order pizza." I see a head emerg from the hole and then another pops up.

"HOLD UP." Jesica yells.

"DID YOU JUST SAY PIZZA?!?" Katelynn practically screams. 

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