Usual Morning

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I woke up on a usual morning, where the sun wasn't too bright. Before I go into that part, let me introduce myself. My name is Ray, I'm twelve years old with short brown hair and brown piercing eyes. Though my birth name is J-ray; my close friends gave me the name Ray.

For a second, I wish I was sleeping in a comfortable bed but instead, I was sleeping on the ground with a thin blanket. Most of my young childhood memories of my parents was a blur and I didn't know why my parents passed when I was seven years old. After my parents died, a close friend of mine, Keith, has been taking care of me. He had two younger brothers named Zen and Lance. 

I zoned out and realized that Lance was lying beside me. He turned his head and found me staring at him. "Moring kid," Lance yawned. "Morning Lance," I replied. "Where's Keith and Zen?"

He rubbed his eyes and replied, "Well, Zen told me they were going to bring over the other members."

What he meant was that we had other friends that were part of our pack. Not like a wolf pack, but something close to one. "Want something to eat?" he asked, stretching his arms, which defined his arm muscles more than before. I'm not a big fan of muscles, for some reason, they creep me out. "Yeah sure, maybe eggs," I replied. "Alright kiddo. I'll be back with the eggs," Lance got up to put on his dark, dirty blue t-shirt and walked away.


I sat there quietly, daydreaming about what I was going to do today. Suddenly, someone ruined my thoughts with a shout. "Hey, Ray!" I looked over my shoulder and saw Reko. He had dark chocolate hair with dark blue eyes that any girl would fall for. "Hi," was all I could say. Behind him were the two sisters who babbled a lot,  Cathleen and Rachel. I heard that Cathleen and Lance had something going on, but Keith never told me what. Keith sat on the ground with his black hair covering his eyes and his head down. Steven, who was Keith's friend, was whispering to him. Lance suddenly came back with eggs that he found in the dumpster. Cathleen was just gazing at Lance with warm love. It was warm enough that I could feel the warmth inside of me, boiling. Lance gave the leftover eggs to Zen, but he gave a dirty look at Lance. Cathleen greeted Lance with a small peck on the lips. Sweet but disgusting.

Zen cooked the eggs on a little fry pan over the fire he made this morning and served them to us. The problem is, Zen never cooks for us. Lance would be taking over the cooking part and Zen would be following Keith's trail. Now, I have introduced Keith, Zen, and Lance but, I haven't told you what they look like. Keith has jet-black hair with blue eyes and he is known to be the most dangerous person of our pack. Zen has brown hair with dark brown eyes and he is known to be Keith's sidekick. Lance, red flaming hair with blue eyes, he is known for his cooking skills and his girlfriend Cathleen. "Let's go somewhere today eh?" it was Reko who spoke and cocked an eyebrow. "Where to?" Rachel joined into the conversation. "The other side of the mountain!" Reko replied. Everyone, but Keith and Zen's mouth dropped in shock. "What?" Keith gave Reko a stern look," I said. "We can go to the other side of the mountain," Reko replied, "it won't be that bad..."


I was walking with Zen; he's usually quiet with me and I don't know why. When we climbed over the mountain, it got ghostly around here. I glanced behind my shoulder and saw Cathleen spooked out, but Lance comforted her.

We finally found a stopping point to rest and Reko was trying to find a place to go to the bathroom. Keith was making sure everyone was alright and good to go. I liked Keith, he's like a hero to me, and I wish I was his sidekick for the day. Suddenly, something ruined my thoughts, a scream echoed through the quiet mountain range. Keith dropped into a dead run, Zen and I followed right behind. I felt my heartbeat two-times harder each step I took and what I found, wasn't good at all.

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