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"Listen to me kid," Zen was sharpening the knife, which was bloody. "Why in the world did you run off like that?"

"I wanted to follow that figure," I replied, I couldn't help it. I wanted to follow that figure, for some reason, I had this strange connection to the beast. I gazed at the dead body, which was beside Zen. It had a fluffy tail with grey fur covering it. "What is this beast?" I asked while looking at him with concern. Zen cleared his throat and replied firmly, "that's a werewolf right there."

I never came to the conclusion that werewolves were true. "Good thing I killed that beast or it would have killed you first," Zen smirked while sharpening the knife. Zen looked up from his sharp knife and gazed at me. "Don't worry kiddo, those naughty beasts won't come after you. You hear?"

I nodded, it was probably midnight. I was bitter, without a fire to hover around. I thought for a moment, was this werewolf really trying to kill me for fresh meat? I gazed at Zen who was gazing into the moonlight. He killed that werewolf to save me. He wasn't a person who cares about anyone, even me of course. I knew something was strange about Zen, but what was it? He was quiet and all that kind of stuff, but me being killed by a werewolf wasn't going to be superior to see. I would dramatically lie on the ground and died if he didn't save me. "We need to go find a nearby river so you can clean up," I said. "Good idea..." he replied.


We were walking in the dim moonlight. Zen figured out that the knife was a switchblade. "Haha, gotta get me some of these," Zen flipped the switchblade up in the air and caught it. "Zen, why did your parents die?" I asked, out of nowhere. I haven't been bothered by the fact that my parents were dead. Zen coughed and taunted. "Those wicked parents don't care about me..." he stopped for a moment and glanced at me with a cruel look. "Why you askin' me this question?"

"Just wondering why your parents died," I replied, gazing at the ground. You should never make any eye contact with Zen when he's taunted. I'd be lucky if I would survive this. "You wanna know kid?" he asked, suddenly stopping. I stopped too, wondering why he stopped. "Why did you stop?" I asked. "River, over there," Zen replied. "Are you scared to go over there?" I asked to him, who was gazing beyond the river. Zen gave me a death stare and asked, "Didn't you notice that someone is over at the river?"

I shook my head. He was right, someone was over by the river. It was a human figure, but it was a black figure from the distance. Zen pulled out his switchblade and said, "You and me, like the olden' days."

I stuck close behind Zen. We didn't know who it was, maybe a werewolf but I assumed it was another human. Right before Zen stuck the knife into the figure, it turned out to be Keith, and he dodged the jab. Zen switchblade struck the log. "Nice going," laughed Keith and grinned. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be good after all," Zen smirked getting something out of his pocket. "Hey Ray, you okay?" asked Keith, while he went over to me. "You seem a little spooked out."

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm completely fine," I told him. "You shouldn't be smoking out here!" scowled Keith. "What? You got a problem with that?" asked Zen.


While they were fighting, I wandered around with no destination in mind. Tears fell slowly down my check, I don't why I was crying. There was so much to cry about from parents not being role models to having my only buddies left. There isn't much to choose to cry over, being stuck on the other side of the mountain where I was told not to go, and here I am. Standing right on the surface of hell. Suddenly, something spooked me, a touch on the shoulder. "Not tryin' to spook you out kiddo," Lance whispered in my ear. I knew it was him because his natural, warm touch. "Why you cryin'?"

"You know, this is a dangerous place," I began, "Reko dead and me being attacked by a werewolf..."

"Calm down, everything is going to be alright," said Lance pulling me into a bear hug. I was glad Lance was here, he was the only buddy that treated me like his brother. Lance looked at me and said, "You know kiddo, we'll get out of here, and you know it. Alright?"

I nodded. Lance always had a sense of humor, even going through rough times. I remember a time where Lance was grieving about his cat.

"My cat is gone," Lance brawled. "Maybe that cat didn't want a piece of you," Zen laughed. "Don't talk about that okay, he lost his cat," Keith gave Zen a stern look. "I can find the cat for you," I said, giving Lance a grin. Lance laughed and wiped his tears off his young face. "You know J-ray, thanks for your support kid."

Lance and I went through the city helplessly, finding the lost cat...

I couldn't remember anymore, I was only eight at the time and my childhood was a blur during that time. "We better get..." A scream interrupted him. "Not again," said Lance. He started to run towards the scream. I followed Lance, and he was worried. I didn't blame him, I would be worried if that was my girlfriend screaming. It was still dark and Lance had trouble seeing in the dusk.

"Man, the second kill eh?" I saw Zen tossing his switchblade in the air. "You... you saved me," Cathleen blushed slightly but hiding the blush. "Had no choice..." Zen was interrupted by Lance who was checking Cathleen. "Are you okay?" Lance pecked Cathleen's forehead. Disgusted, Zen and I just stood there quietly. "Everyone alright?" Keith was checking his friend Steve. "That beast almost killed my sister, why the hell would I be okay?" Rachel was shocked. I noticed the dark grey body lying beside the fire. "That's the same kind of werewolf that you killed earlier," I whispered into Zen's ear. Zen smirked and replied, "It's only the beginning kiddo."

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